How does Life Coach Hub generate referrals and new clients for me?
Get new referrals and clients on Life Coach Hub
- Get listed in the directory and start getting noticed. After you create your customized profile, clients looking for a coach with your credentials and niche area will be able to find you. Make sure to write original, compelling content for your profile to stand out, and use a brilliant, high quality photograph.
- The more you coach using our online coaching software, the higher you will appear in rankings, and earn quality clients. Cients are looking for coaches who can prove their expertise, and by coaching with our online coaching software, you demonstrate every hour earned. By coaching through the system, your clients will be able to recommend you, and the more recommendations you have, the higher your visibility in the directory as well.
- You’ll also appear higher in the directory based on your number of reviews. Clients enjoy reading previous clients’ experience with a coach, so that they can determine how you could help them tackling the same issues.
- Make sure to sign up for Coaching Request Client leads. You’ll be delivered requests from interested clients direct to your email. Just visit your privacy settings page, located under Settings on your main menu. Choose to turn alerts on, and then select all the coaching specializations you’d like to receive alerts about.
Note: Make sure you put Life Coach Hub on your Safe Sender email list so that you are sure to receive important emails.