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How do I create appointments with my clients?

To make appointments, you’ll want to make sure you have at least one Session type created.

Create the Session types you offer under Offers in the main menu (e.g. 60 minute session, 90 minute session).

Once you have at least one session type created, you can easily schedule appointments with your clients. They can also schedule with you.

Making an appointment from the Calendar

  1. On the Calendar tab, click Add new
  2. On the Sessions tab, click Create session
  3. Choose the client you want to make the appointment with from drop-down list.
  4. Choose if it will be paid or pro bono (free)
    • If it is paid, the session types will show below, with how many purchased sessions a client has remaining of each type.
    • If the client has no paid sessions remaining, click on Take Action. Now you can choose what to do:
      • Schedule this session anyways. A reminder will be sent to your client to prepay and if they don’t, the session will be canceled.
      • Schedule this session anyways. A reminder will be sent to your client to prepay, but the session will not be canceled if they don’t pay (this session will become pro bono at that point).
      • Schedule this session anyways. No reminder will be sent, and the session will not be canceled if the client does not purchase more sessions (this session will become pro bono at that point.)
    • You can also select pro bono, and either have a free session, or bill the client another way of your own choosing before or after the session.
  5. Select the start time for your session
  6. Select how you want to conduct the session (phone, video call, in person, etc). You can fill in default settings for each of these on the Coaching Settings page (under Settings in the main menu). If you do so, this section will always be prefilled (for example, you won’t have to complete your phone number, Zoom link or address).

Making an appointment from Client Management

  • You can also make an appointment from the Sessions tab page your client folder in Client Management.

Creating coaching noted and coaching plans

  • As soon as you make an appointment, your session will show up on the Sessions tab of your Calendar. You’ll be able to drop down the arrow to add notes, review your client’s coaching plan (if you have these set to send), assign tools, and send a summary of your session.
  • Click on the session to take notes, review client progress, comment back and forth with your client, assign coaching tools, and send your coaching summary to your client.
  • You can also view and interact with sessions from your Progress stream, and the Sessions tab of your client folder.

Note: Make sure you put Life Coach Hub on your Safe Sender email list so that you are sure to receive important emails.

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