Hey, I’m a coach!

Coaching software

What does it take to run a highly successful professional coaching business for any style of coaching?

We asked highly successful coaches what it is that made their businesses sing. They told us and we listened. Our coaching software is optimized for the specific factors that will enable you to run your own ideal, highly profitable and enjoyable business, whether you are a new coach or a seasoned pro. Ready to find out what they are and enjoy greater success, more free time and money, and happier clients? Read on…

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Factor 1

Provide excellent preparation, interaction and follow-through

Our coaching software management solution allows you to effortlessly provide excellent service across all the aspects of your day-to-day coaching operations.


Schedule appointments and appointment reminders, across multiple time zones. A convenient calendar automatically schedules appointments for you with your clients and fills in repeating appointments. You and your client are also alerted when any changes to the calendar are made.

Coaching plans

Your client can submit a coaching plan before each of your sessions together and a follow-up after if they wish. These allow you to keep your coaching targeted and on track. You can add comments, and your client can comment in response.

coaching plans
Coaching notes and tools

Prepare for your session on the Appointments and Coaching notes tab of your client file by taking note of your client’s current focus, goals and possible obstacles. During your session, you can take detailed notes easily to keep your client on track towards their goals, and create a living record. You can also easily send a summary of your session to your client.

From their Coaching Pad, your client can take their own notes, keeping them engaged. They can also create action items based on your session.

From your Client Management interface, you can easily create and assign a range of coaching tools to help your clients reach success faster and get more from the coaching process, such as journaling, action items, goals, assessments and resources.

coaching notes and tools
Follow ups and engagement

Increase client engagement—and hence client retention—by following up in between sessions. You can comment on any progress report, coaching plan or session notes. You can also get your client to complete a follow up themselves, to stay fully focussed on their goals, as well as create their own action items and goals. An active client is an engaged client, and an engaged client is a motivated, satisfied and well-retained client.


Factor 2

Automate repetitive but crucial tasks

The most successful coaches know that freeing up time spent on routine and ongoing tasks will leave them more time for developing the other important aspects of their business. There is no better way to do this than to automate the things you do all the time.

Streamline your enrolment process and client intake forms

Automatically send out your welcome package, coaching agreement and other coaching intake forms. We even provide full versions you are welcome to use or edit to your liking. All this information will be recorded in your client file in Client Management, and be at the tip of your fingers at any time.

Automate your coaching call preparation forms

Coaching call preparation forms are automatically sent out to your client, if you choose. This allows you to have a concrete coaching contract in place at the beginning of each session, making your coaching flow smoothly and effortlessly and leading to many more a-ha moments and client takeaways.

coaching plans
Effortlessly keep and send session notes

Taking and preserving notes is a crucial part of most coaching business practice, so you can stay on top of client progress, goals and successes. We provide a robust method of taking, preserving, and searching through client notes.

Take notes before, during, and after your sessions in an organized manner. Then easily send a session summary to your client after your session with the click of a button.

Re-use coaching tools

Stellar coaches keep clients motivated and enthused with the use of coaching tools shown to enhance success such as journaling, action items and goals. They target room for growth with assessments and worksheets. And they share the best of their knowledge by providing access to resources.

The busy coach also knows that the secret to success is streamlining this process so that each tool, document, and worksheet can be re-used multiple times. Our software lets you reuse tools with multiple clients and course members effortlessly, all the while keeping them tidily organized.

Automate appointment notifications, reminders and changes

Appointments are the core of most private coaching, and excellent coaches make automating them a priority:

Notifications: You and your client will be automatically notified whenever an appointment is made, changed or cancelled. We make cross-country and international coaching easy by converting time zones for you!

Changes: Need to change an appointment? Instead of tediously playing phone, text or email tag to find a suitable time, our software makes it easy for clients to reschedule.

Reminders: The system also reminds you and your client before your appointments, according to your preferences, so you never skip a beat.

Keep track of everything in one convenient, organized location.

Keeping track of multiple systems is a drain on time and productivity. Our coaching software keeps track of everything you need, preserves it, and organizes it:

  • Appointments
  • Call plans and notes
  • Coaching tools, forms and resources
  • Courses and content delivery
  • Invoices and Billing
  • E-commerce
  • Lead generation
  • Client onboarding
  • Client management
  • Website design

Why juggle multiple systems when one software solution does it all?


Factor 3

Provide accountability partnering and support your client in taking action

The most successful coaches know that clients who reach their goals in the areas they target are those who will not only retain longer, but also spread the word through referral like wildfire. Our coaching software provides the most highly tuned coaching tools for client success in the industry.


Long and short term goals are crucial to steering a clear path in your coaching contract. Set and keep track of goals effortlessly, including optional milestones, target date and rewards. Your client can then post progress reports towards the goal, and you can both comment back and forth, to keep accountability up.

Your client’s current and achieved goals are tracked for them in their Coaching Pad, to keep them reminded of how far they have come, and where they are headed.

Action items

Most coaching sessions involve a commitment to taking action. We’ve made that process clear and actionable for you and your client. During your coaching session, you can create and assign action items on the spot, based on what your client commits to, and your client can do the same from their own Coaching Pad. Any time between sessions, you and your client can also create action items.

Your client can easily mark any action item as achieved, or complete a progress report, making it easy for you be an accountability partner.

Coaching call preparation and follow through between sessions

Our automated coaching call preparation makes it easy to have in place a clear coaching contract at the beginning of each call, in line with ICF guidelines.

There are also a multitude of ways to stay in contact between sessions to follow up on your client’s progress and keep them accountable.

Coaching portraits and assessments

Create a vivid and nuanced picture of where your client is at, and where they want to be. Your client’s welcome package features a Coaching Information form which allows you to have at your fingertips their challenges and strengths when they first start coaching with you. This form is of course fully editable by you.

You also have access to interactive forms and assessments to gauge various aspects of your client’s life and business needs. You can create an unlimited number of such assessments, as well as make use of those we have provided, such as our Work/Life Balance assessment.

Progress tracking

Track your clients’ progress effortlessly.

Each tab in your Client Management system is organized according to your client’s latest response, so you can see at a glance where your client is progressing swiftly, and where they need more direction and guidance.

Our software allows you to be fully attentive to each movement in your client’s progress. Partnering this closely is a skill associated with truly great coaches, and now easy to master.


Factor 4

Provide deep client interaction

The most successful coaches are highly attuned to clients, even in between sessions. Our software makes this effortless.

Effortless interaction and acknowledgment

Get alerts about progress reports, completed assessments and surveys, and achieved action items and goals. This makes it so quick and easy to send an acknowledgement, a pick-me-up, or a congratulations. And these are the small touches that pay off big time with high client satisfaction and retention.

Keep track of milestones and celebrate successes

Most coaching sessions involve a commitment to taking action. We’ve made that process clear and actionable for you and your client. During your coaching session, you can create and assign action items on the spot, based on what your client commits to, and your client can do the same from their own Coaching Pad. Any time between sessions, you and your client can also create action items.

Your client can easily mark any action item as achieved, or complete a progress report, making it easy for you be an accountability partner.


Factor 5

Delivery awesome coaching programs

The most successful coaches know how to break the cycle of trading money for time, by branching out and delivering coaching programs in a range of formats.

Deliver your flagship program

Extremely successful coaches create a program that captures the essence of their coaching philosophy and learnings. Deliver your flagship program in a user friendly, highly interactive and attractive manner.

Drip deliver content to make money while you sleep

Drip deliver content material to clients to make money even while you sleep. Just create a course and upload your material. You can deliver beautiful content with text, images, audio and video. You can even add interactive elements if you choose, such as journals, goals, action items, surveys, forms, notices, discussions and comments.


Factor 6

Brand yourself

Make yourself heard in your own unique voice, and brand your materials to your business.

Add your own voice and touch

We provide a strong backbone, and lots of tools and forms you are free to use. It’s a business in a box! You are free to customize all forms and create an endless supply of your own.

Choose your look

Upload your own logo and select colors and theme to make yourself stand out.

Factor 7

Be responsive, secure and compliant for client flexibility and peace of mind

Professional coaches know that providing a strong technological backbone is essential for today’s clients. Coaching platforms need to be responsive for mobiles and tablets, as well as secure and compliant.

Be mobile and tablet ready with responsive design

Most of your clients will want to access your programs and interface through their portable devices. We provide a responsive website and backend interface that can take you and your client coaching on your phones, tablets or computers.

Be secure, private and compliant

Rest assured that your client data is backed by industry strength encryption for ultimate privacy and security. Secure 256 bit encryption of every single interaction and transaction. We perform daily, secure, offsite backups of all data. We follow rigorous security and privacy protocols and compliance reporting in line with HIPAA.


Factor 8

Market effectively and sell online

The most successful coaches know how to turn the Internet into a steady flow of cash. Set up a beautiful E-commerce Shop to sell and accept payment online. Generate new leads.

Sell online

Set up a beautiful E-commerce Shop with your coaching-specific website to sell and accept payment online.

Drip deliver content to make money while you sleep

Drip deliver content material to clients to make money even while you sleep. Just create a course and upload your material. You can deliver beautiful content with text, images, audio and video. You can even add interactive elements if you choose, such as journals, goals, action items, surveys, forms, notices, discussions and comments.

Get more clients just by using software

Inspire confidence in your potential clients with your verified coaching hours, obtained effortlessly by coaching your clients and scheduling appointments using your online coaching software.

Earn a higher position in the directory the more you use your online coaching software, boosting your visibility and attracting more clients.

TRY IT FREE! No credit card required

Coaching Website

Have your own, coaching-specific website set up in the blink of an eye.

Coaching Specific Website

Create a website that is tailor-made for the coaching profession. Choose from a beautiful array of modern, responsive designs. Upload your own logo and select colors and theme to make yourself stand out.

E-Commerce Shop

Your website comes with a beautiful E-commerce Shop so you can start selling and accepting secure payment online immediately.

Accept credit cards and list your items in an attractive, buyer-friendly manner without any technical know-how, any merchant bank hassles or any additional “e-commerce module” add-on price.

Create a catalog of complementary coaching items such as private coaching, online coaching, content delivery courses, group coaching, workshops, speaking fees, e-books and mp3s.

Sell smaller items to convert potential clients upwards.

Accept payment online for any service, even those not listed in your shop.

Get Client Leads

Your website has several easy ways for clients to get in touch by requesting a free consultation, contacting you directly, or booking an available time in your calendar.

Publish your own blog

Write articles to get search engine, social media and other outside attention to your website. Tell your clients your story and promote your products with your own ability to create unlimited articles and other website pages.

Creating quality content is the best way to get traffic to your website according to top SEO sources. It also allows you to gain a following of dedicated readers who can be converted into paying clients.

Unlimited Customizable Pages

Create an unlimited number of easily customizable pages for your website with our amazingly user-friendly website builder. No technical know-how or expensive web designers necessary! Just click and edit.

SEO Optimized

Tailor your URLs and SEO meta data to rank in Google and other search engines for important keywords in your niche. It’s easy from your admin interface.

Client acquisition and shop

Get new leads, accept payment online, get paid securely and sell a range of coaching items.

Free Directory Listing

Receive a free directory listing to showcase your expertise in a highly visited coaching directory.

Display reviews and recommendations, and create a professional profile, optimized for search engine friendliness, to draw in new clients.

Inspire confidence in your potential clients with your verified coaching hours, obtained effortlessly by coaching your clients and scheduling appointments using your online coaching software.

Earn a higher position in the directory the more you use your online coaching software, boosting your visibility and attracting more clients.

Multiple Contact Routes

Get new leads by blocking off available time so that clients can easily schedule an appointment with you.

Prospects can also sent a contact note or request a free consultation from easily displayed buttons on your site and profile page.

E-commerce and Online Payment

Accept credit cards and list your items in an attractive, buyer-friendly manner without any technical know-how, any merchant bank hassles or any additional “e-commerce module” add-on price.

Create a catalog of complementary coaching items such as private coaching, online coaching, content delivery courses, group coaching, workshops, speaking fees, e-books and mp3s.

Sell smaller items to convert potential clients upwards.

Accept payment online for any service, even those not listed in your shop.

Gifts and invitations

Send invitations for your coaching or courses you’d like to gift. Invite pro bono clients easily.


Client Onboarding

Bring your clients onboard with an easy, automated process, so you don’t have to re-invent the wheel every time you get a new client. Present a professional coaching presence and begin accumulating vital information for your client file from the moment they begin.


Schedule appointments and appointment reminders, across multiple time zones. A convenient calendar automatically schedules appointments for you with your clients and fills in repeating appointments. You and your client are also alerted when any changes to the calendar are made.

Coaching Plans

Your client can submit a coaching plan before each of your sessions together and a follow-up after if they wish. These allow you to keep your coaching targeted and on track. You can add comments, and your client can comment in response.

coaching plans
Coaching notes and tools

Prepare for your session on the Appointments and Coaching notes tab of your client file by taking note of your client’s current focus, goals and possible obstacles. During your session, you can take detailed notes easily to keep your client on track towards their goals, and create a living record. You can also easily send a summary of your session to your client.

From their Coaching Pad, your client can take their own notes, keeping them engaged. They can also create action items based on your session.

From your Client Management interface, you can easily create and assign a range of coaching tools to help your clients reach success faster and get more from the coaching process, such as journaling, action items, goals, assessments and resources.

coaching notes and tools
Follow ups and engagement

Increase client engagement—and hence client retention—by following up in between sessions. You can comment on any progress report, coaching plan or session notes. You can also get your client to complete a follow up themselves, to stay fully focussed on their goals, as well as create their own action items and goals. An active client is an engaged client, and an engaged client is a motivated, satisfied and well-retained client.

Appointment Scheduling

Schedule appointments with ease, and automate your available time.

Automated appointments with alerts

Schedule one-off or recurring appointments. Cancellations or changes are easily made by you or your client, with notification. Appointments will be automatically converted to your client’s time zone.

Export calendar data for reporting

Old appointments are automatically archived and easily available for export, with date, time, duration and client name.

Automate your available time

Schedule available time blocks so your clients can reschedule their appointments easily. This also acts as a lead magnet on your website.

Time zone support

You see all times and dates in your own time zone, and so will your client. This automatic process saves a lot of headaches converting time zones with your national and international clients!


Client Management

Manage all your client data in one convenient, secure, searchable location. Get used to having everything at your fingertips for exponentially improved productivity!

Manage client files

Keep all your client data at your fingertips at all times in your client file. Stored conveniently under your client’s name, you can easily make appointments, create and send session notes, and assign coaching tools. Everything is stored securely, backed up daily and HIPAA compliant.

Create a living record

Every interaction is saved, so you never lose a thing. Our deep searching functions make it easy to find those moments of past coaching successes and milestones so you can create a phenomenal cocahing presence.

Keep appointments and session notes

All your session notes, planning and appointment data is kept securely for you so you never forget a thing. Your clients also have a record of all their coaching data, to remind them of their coaching journey, and your phenomenal support along the way.

Manage coaching progress

Easily manage all progress in your clients’ coaching journey in one easy-to-use interface.


Client Support and Coaching Notes

Offer tremendous client support by tracking progress and coaching milestones every step of the way.

Coaching preparation

Coaching is more than just making appointments. The real heart is in the interaction during the coaching conversation. Create clear goals for a session to help with ICF contracting.

Coaching notes and action items

Enjoy an extensive note taking system where you can remind yourself of your client’s overarching goals, areas to consider and possible obstacles before your session begins, as well as taking comprehensive notes during and after your session.

Send a session summary at the touch of a button to your client.

Easily create or assign other coaching tools during or after the session when it’s still fresh in your client’s mind.


Deep Client Engagement

The system allows your clients to become self sufficient and deeply engaged. An active client is an engaged client, and an engaged client is a motivated, satisfied client who will stay with you much longer.

Coaching pad

Help your clients become more self sufficient. Clients who are more interactive are long lasting clients.

Your client’s Coaching Pad allows them to track their own progress, take notes, and view their own living record of their coaching journey.

Taking action and goal-planning

Clients can create their own action items and goals, allowing them to take ownership of their coaching progress. They will be more inspired by their coaching and invest in their coaching journey for longer.

Record keeping

Comprehensive records of your coaching journey are available in your client’s Coaching Pad, including their own notes.This will increase client engagement and action-taking, as well as the perceived value of your coaching.


Robust Coaching Tools

You’ll have access to every coaching tool needed to bring your coaching to the next level, provide deeo value, and automate your coaching.


Journaling allows you to assign thought-provoking topics for your clients to write about. Journaling has been shown to be effective in a number of regards, including providing focus, improving health, and reaching goals more quickly.

Get your client to journal easily and freely right from their phone or computer, creating an endless ongoing archive.

Action items

The key benefit of coaching is in helping clients to create new strategies, behaviors and perspectives. Setting action items is the perfect way to make taking action concrete for your client. Either you or your client can set an action item, during or after sessions.

Your clients will report on their progress, creating entries you can view and comment on. This creates accountability, giving clients the push they need to follow through on their commitments and take action towards reaching their goals. Action items have been shown to improve client commitment to their goals.


Coaching is all about helping your clients close the gap between where they are and where they want to be. Setting goals and charting progress toward these goals is crucial in order to help your clients know what they want, to create the motivation to achieve their aims, and to create a clear, actionable path to get there.

Either you or your client can create goals, and they can measure their progress towards the goal as they report to you, their accountability partner.


Gather information about where your clients are and where they would like to be. Assessments take a reading of the current terrain—where your clients are at right now. They also allow you to plot a clear plan of action in your coaching to see where your clients want to be and how you can help them get there.

Use forms and assessments throughout your entire coaching relationship. Assessments help you and your client pinpoint obstacles, challenges and opportunities in your client’s path towards achieving their goals. Coaching assessments are so valuable because they allow your client to assess themselves, measure their own progress, and thus become a better partner towards their own success.

Even better, you receive the responses directly in your dashboard. You can easily comment on the assessment to further your client’s coaching work. You also have a permanent electronic archive for easy accessibility, letting you track your client’s changing values and priorities easily.


Share all your resources and knowledge easily with your clients.

You probably have additional information you want to pass onto your clients. You can do this easily from your dashboard. Collect and keep track of the extra resources you send out regularly in one easy location. You can upload any kind of document, and you can even create resources yourself from scratch. Then just assign them to the clients you want, when the time is right.

Feedback surveys

Gather immediate feedback on what is working and what needs improvement in your coaching so you can adjust accordingly, and keep your client on the path to success. You can tailor individual surveys on all the criteria that are important to you, and re-use these multiple times.


Online coaching and group coaching

Expand your repertoire by offering online and group coaching to create a more profitable, less work-intensive professional coaching business.

Online coaching

Online coaching is a great way to expand your services. You can cater to people who feel they are too busy for live coaching, like the anonymity, require a lower price point, or simply are more comfortable using computers. You can coach more people in less time, meaning you can offer your services to a greater range of people.

Online coaching is perfectly suited to your dashboard. The system is set up so that you can assign a range of coaching tools, receive feedback from your clients, and comment back, engaging in an ongoing and stimulating online coaching process.

Group coaching

Group coaching is a terrific way to expand your repertoire and reach more clients. You can coach more people for a lower price point with group coaching, making it an excellent way to reach those who might find private coaching too costly. You can also offer online group coaching, which allows you to save even more time.


Content delivery and courses

Expand your repertoire by offering online and group coaching to create a more profitable, less work-intensive professional coaching business.

Content delivery

A great way to free up time while passing on your coaching knowledge is to create a Content Delivery course. This allows you to create coaching content ahead of time, which is then sent automatically to your clients.

These information products will be delivered on a schedule of your choosing to your clients, who can join up at any time. Stop being a slave of dollars for hours, and start making money while you sleep!


Courses allow you to coach more people at one time. They also let you automate your coaching, freeing up loads of time!

Offer courses that are live or pre-recorded. Include coaching calls or just electronic material, including digital text, audio and video. Deliver your material automatically and seamlessly. Create awesome flagship programs, group coaching or even coach training.


So sign up now for your complete coaching software system.

Your clients will be more engaged and active, so they’ll stay around longer, and spread your name far and wide.
You’ll save time and stop re-inventing the wheel by automating your key coaching & client management tasks.
You’ll be able to launch interactive courses and training to earn a passive income and stop trading dollars for hours.

Get started today!

No contracts. Upgrade or downgrade any time.
14 day free trial.

Software packages

Take control of your business. Stop re-inventing the wheel and save yourself time and money. Our coaching software packages allow you to administer coaching and courses electronically.

Free yourself from the folders cluttering up your desktop and automate your system. Get more client traction from using interactive coaching tools. Use our coaching tools or create your own.

Plans are priced based on how many active clients and course members you have. Upgrade or downgrade any time.

We also have advertising packages to add on or use on their own.

FREENEW COACH⭐️Most popular⭐️
$ 0 /month$ 17 /month$ 57 /month
Max clients14Unlimited
Max course members28Unlimited
Free directory listing
Free Contact Me requests from interested clients
15% discount on Featured coach listing
Add coaching hours to your listing
Free contact requests
Client lead alerts
Advance warning on client leads
10% discount on client leads
Appointment scheduling
Client management
Complete interactive coaching toolkit
Welcome package
Coaching contract
Coaching plans
Coaching notes
Coaching assessments
Action items
Group coaching
Interactive courses, including set-and-forget content delivery
Online coaching
E-commerce shop
Modern website for mobile, tablet & PC
Branding and customization
Passionate Hub Support

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Shay Malone, Certified Life Coach

I really enjoy it! It helps me stay on top of client work and makes it easy to develop products.



You have a seriously WONDERFUL web page! Wow, best software I have ever used clinically!

Arthur Phillips, Emotional Resource Coach

I was so excited when i received an email for a potential match. I emailed him right away and less than a week later he’s paying client. The process was so easy. I’m extremely grateful.

Marketing packages

Are you looking to increase your visibility to clients? We offer a number of marketing plans to help you out!

Add a MARKETING PLAN to get 15% off BOTH the software AND marketing package.

Direct link to your website

Add a live direct link to your site from your profile page, for boosted organic search visibility, and flow-through traffic.

Social Media Links

Give your social media presence a boost with live links to your social media pages.

10 Areas of Specialty

Show up in 10 specialty areas instead of just 2. Be seen by more potential clients in more searches.

Featured Listings

Feature on multiple pages in your specialty areas as a Top Coach, and be listed higher in multiple directories. You’ll show up on the category page as well as multiple article, tip and video pages. You’ll also show up higher in the main directory AND specialization directories. The more Featured Listings, the greater the impact and higher your position.

Get 10% off client lead alerts and advance warning.

Our client lead alerts are popular and go fast. As a subscriber, you’ll secure priority, advance warning, and will also get 10% off any lead purchase.

Free contact requests

If someone contacts you directly via the Contact Me or Free Consultation button, you will receive the information free of charge instead of $10.