Hey, I’m a coach!

Getting clients

How do I keep clients for longer?

Life Coach Hub offers the most interactive coaching administration sysem. You can: Send coaching plans automatically and respond easily to your client's plans and reflections. Send coaching session notes with the click of a button. Assign coaching tools for greater coaching insight such as... Read more

How does Life Coach Hub increase my reputation as a coach?

Use Life Coach Hub to build up a solid reputation in your niche by helping you display verified coaching hours. Private coaching, online coaching, group coaching and courses all add to your hours. Clients are looking for coaches who can prove their expertise, and by coaching through our system ... Read more

How do coaching requests work?

One of the issues faced by many coaches is that it's hard to keep their practice full with a steady stream of clients. Signing up to get coaching request alerts can give you ongoing leads in your niche. To receive client lead alerts, just visit your Notifications page, located under Settings... Read more

How do I get new clients?

Set yourself up to start getting new clients.  Make sure you have created a directory listing to start with. Fill it out as completely as possible so your potential clients really get a good sense of you. The more coaching hours you have, the higher up you'll appear i... Read more

How do I earn coaching hours to show up on my profile?

The more coaching hours you have, the higher up you'll appear in the directory. This is because clients are looking for coaches who can prove their expertise, and by coaching through our system you demonstrate every hour earned. To earn coaching hours all you have to do is use our online coa... Read more

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