How do I provide access details for coaching calls to my course members?
There are a variety of services online that will allow you to make coaching calls or webinars available to a group of people. Convey the details your course members need to access these calls in one of two ways:
- If the access details for all your group coaching calls remain the same, you can include these details on the Add course page in the section called Coaching call procedure. This information is not made public, but will only be viewable by registered course members.
- If the access details change for each call, enter the specific details for each call using the Sessions page in Course management. Click on Course Management, under Courses & Coaching. Click on your course name and then select Sessions from the left hand menu.
- Click View/edit coaching call under the Session title.
- The coaching call details area will drop down. Click the button Edit Coaching call. You’ll be able to add or edit your Coaching call number and procedure.
Note: Make sure you put Life Coach Hub on your Safe Sender email list so that you are sure to receive important emails and notifications.