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How to Become a Christian Life Coach

Is it your calling to become a Christian Life Coach?

It’s a buzz word now. A new trend in the Church… Christian Life Coach. You’ve heard the term, but the question is how to become a Christian Life Coach.

Here are EIGHT tips to get you started.

  1. Learn what a Christian Life Coach actually does: Do some research to learn what a professional life coach is… and what he/she is not. The term “life coach” is being thrown around so loosely these days. It is important to understand what the profession actually entails.
  2. Interview 3-5 coaches: Search for life coaches that are working in the niche you are most interested in. Choose a few who stand out as having the type of practice you would like to have. Email or call them to see if they are willing to give you fifteen minutes of their time. Offer to pay them. Come to the conversation prepared with your top five to ten questions about the field, how they got started, how they built a following, etc. Make the most of your time with these successful coaches. They have a lot to offer!
  3. Explore programs: There are MANY coach training programs out there right now. There are fewer Christian Life Coach Training programs, but you will still have options. Call a few schools or trainers. Ask them about their curriculum. Does it meet the International Coach Federation competencies? Is their curriculum biblically based? How experienced are their trainers? Are they all believers? Can you speak with the trainer personally? Do you feel like he/she is someone you could learn from?  How long is the program? How much does it cost? Will you need to travel to attend all or portions of the training? If it is online, is there face-to-face interaction via webinars or video conferencing?  Do your research. Not all programs are equal.
  4. Get certified: Put in the time necessary to complete a legitimate Christian Life Coach training program. A weekend certification program will not be sufficient. A minimum of sixty hours is required to be credentialed as an Associate Level Coach through the International Coach Federation, so look for a program that offers at least that many hours of training.
  5. Become credentialed: After you graduate from your Christian Life Coach Training program, pursue accreditation with the International Coach Federation. This is the governing body for the coaching industry currently. Getting accredited is the equivalent of becoming licensed if you are a counselor. It shows that your training sufficiently prepares you to meet a basic standard of proficiency as a coach. Although not required anywhere currently by law, it is becoming increasingly important in the life coaching field.
  6. Choose your niche: Christian Life Coaches specialize in a number of fields: relationships, finances, marriage, family, motherhood, business. Consider your own areas of expertise and your life journey. What has God uniquely prepared YOU to be able to offer to others? What do you bring to the table that not all other coaches will? Start with a niche in mind, but know that it is okay for it to evolve over time.
  7. Market: Be prepared to do some serious work to get the word out about your business. It’s not enough to be certified and credentialed. You need to have clients! Send out a business announcement letter to your family and friends letting them know about this new service you are offering. Host free workshops at your local church as a way to advertise. Hire an internet marketer to build you a website and optimize it for your niche so that your target audience can find you online.
  8. Start coaching! Be bold enough to take on your first clients. It’s normal to be nervous when you first begin. Trust the coaching process. Trust the Spirit in you. Then go for it!

Become a Christian Life Coach today. It’s an amazing profession!

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