Safeguard Your Practice: The Ultimate Life Coaching Disclaimer Template Guide
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The following article you are about to read revolves around the topic of the life coaching disclaimer template. The words enclosed therein will provide readers with everything they need to know in making their own disclaimer.
Life Coach Hub is not a body of lawyers but a community of life coaches. Thus, we provide no legal advice within this article or anywhere on our site.
As life coaches, we only seek to bring our clients closer to wherever it is they want to be in their lives. We help them find clarity. And whenever possible, aid them in making the most challenging life transitions they want to embark on.
The information contained in this particular article is provided on an “as is” basis. There are also no guarantees of completeness or timeliness. Life Coach Hub assumes no liability when what is written here is misused or misinterpreted by the reader.
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As this is posted on our site and not given during a coaching session, we take no responsibility for any changes, for better or otherwise, in your life after reading this article. This disclaimer is here to protect both parties, you and us.
Definition of Terms
Alright. That’s enough of that boring, I mean formal, way of writing. From here on out, let’s speak casually and start by defining what a disclaimer is.
Simply put, a disclaimer protects your business from legal liability. Whenever someone buys a service or product from you, both parties enter a legal contract. The same goes when they visit your website or read any of your materials.
There might not be an actual physical contract, but a contract is created nonetheless. Investopedia calls this an implied contract.
So take heed of this warning. Whatever you put on your website, you are entering into a contract with all your visitors.
It’s difficult to know what people are doing with the information they gathered from you. A disclaimer can protect you from any claims of damage or injury. Consider yourself safe if anything does happen behind the scenes. Not having one, you might as well bid them with a resounding “see you in court.”
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Scope and Application
Getting into this industry, you have nothing but the best intentions in mind. And yet, there are still times when people might question your approach. The results of your coaching might also receive negative reactions. This is especially true when a client mistakes what you say for medical or legal advice.
You’ll need to clarify something important to your audience. While you’ll give it your best efforts, the outcome of coaching is something you just can’t guarantee. You’ll have to make it very clear that the things you share are in no way a substitute for any healthcare or medical expertise.
Keep in mind that the content you share online is not regulated. Anyone, client or not, can access it freely. It’s different when it’s through a coaching session. You’re with them to guide and help.
But outside of that, you leave people to their own devices. Interpreting information is something they do by themselves, which, god forbid, they may do unwisely. This situation could lead to something unpleasant. And yes, by that I mean by someone taking legal action against you.
Erase these confusions by providing a disclaimer.
Disclaimers can also be relevant for the following situations:
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- Advertising third-party services or products. Having a disclaimer can protect you from third-party problems. Since the ad isn’t yours, you can’t ensure anything for your clients. Viruses, defective products, and other related issues are not unlikely occurrences. More so, a disclaimer shields you when some kind of complication happens.
- Participating in affiliate programs. Affiliate terms often include that you add a disclaimer when advertising them. Doing so can be helpful when things go south with those programs.
- Giving out information that can be mistaken as legal advice. End any notion that people may entertain about an attorney-client relationship. Remind them that what you provide is guidance in life and not legal advice.
- Providing exercise instructions. Remember those breathing exercises that you suggest they do to keep them grounded? Some people may interpret those as health advice. They could even be perceived as things that will work every time something terrible happens to them. A disclaimer will protect you in these cases.
- Showing DIY regimens. For example, you’re a health and wellness coach. You’re blogging about a homemade drink or food helpful during stressful situations. As this may not be the case for everyone, a disclaimer can prevent anyone from suing you.
If you want to get those dream clients, you need to bulk up your website with the best content. But keep in mind not to compromise your credibility because you forgot a disclaimer. Or worse, face legal problems.
Eligibility Requirements
Now that we’ve established what a disclaimer is and what it’s for, we can proceed with what you need to include in your disclaimer.
Generally, there are five things you need to consider for an effective life coaching disclaimer template:
It’s a common misconception that life coaches are therapists, psychiatrists, or counselors. These are different professions that require licenses. Life coaching, on the other hand, does not.
It’s crucial that you’re upfront about what you do. You wouldn’t want people confusing you for someone who can treat their mental illness. Then sue you for not being able to. Be clear on what exactly it is that you practice. Whether you’re a career, relationship, or an NLP coach, make sure to state that in your disclaimer.
Contact Information
This information is more for the trust appeal. You appear more trustworthy if you provide your contact information. It can also make you more accessible to people. Any complaints or questions can be immediately sorted out. All the while, not taking anything to court.
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You’re not a miracle worker. There’s no guarantee that your methodologies will work all the time for everyone. But when it comes to people at their most desperate point, they tend to view anything as the ‘ultimate cure.’ You can prevent anyone from going after you. The quick fix? Adding a no-guarantee clause in your disclaimer.
Liability of Use
This is the part where you claim no responsibility if people try your approaches. Make it clear to anyone reading your materials that everything is at their own risk. This way, you won’t be liable for anything that goes wrong or doesn’t work.
Statement on the Accuracy of Presented Information
Well-researched content might be accurate at the time of its writing. But it can still become outdated quickly. This, as well as the distribution of your materials, are beyond your control. So you’ll need to include a statement on accuracy in your disclaimer.
You don’t want to be responsible when the information that is true today is no longer valid in the future. This is best achieved by including the date when you last updated your content.
Trademarks and Copyrights
Although not a must, a statement about trademarks and copyrights is an excellent sixth addition. With it, your life coaching disclaimer template is better. By providing this, you can protect your rights to your intellectual property works. These include your company’s name, its brand identity, or your products if you are selling some.
So, suppose another party wants to use something you originally created. They will have to give you credit and recognition for it.
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Preparing a Life Coaching Disclaimer Template
The disclaimer in your online materials needs to fit your life coaching business. Getting one drafted for you by a professional can be expensive. But fear not, Life Coach Hub is here to help you create one on your own. No need to get a lawyer involved.
1. Identify: What needs protecting?
Another reason for a disclaimer is to protect ownership over your intellectual properties. Claiming ownership over your online materials can prevent theft. At the same time, it can fend off accusations that you stole your material.
Using trademarks is helpful in this. They can protect your work and make it easier for people to identify your services. Copyright may already be established when you create your life coaching intellectual property. However, it is good practice to inform your audience of it still.
2. Inform: What aren’t you liable for?
Whether tangible or intangible property, it is advisable to limit your liability for causing dangers and offense. In this case, mostly intangible. Make no mistake, though. Intentionally giving out false information doesn’t limit liability. This is unless it’s for parody or satire purposes.
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This goes hand in hand with the accuracy of the information you’re providing. Include a statement that you can’t ensure your material’s timely accuracy or completeness. Throw in as well that you aren’t answerable for both errors and omissions in your content.
3. Limit: Are you endorsing third parties?
Aside from their own marketing efforts, advertisements can help in keeping some life coaching businesses afloat. If this applies to you, making it known that you are not liable for the failures of third parties is of the essence. What other companies are selling and how they conduct their business is out of your hands. It will be helpful to clarify this to your audience in case of a legal dispute.
4. Include: What are your terms and conditions?
Terms and conditions are different from a disclaimer. Your and your clients’ rights and responsibilities make up the terms and conditions of your website. A disclaimer fits the picture by exempting you from liability. It won’t be on you if site visitors don’t uphold their part in the terms and conditions.
You can include how coaching appointments are made. Even add the fees of sessions, and how people can contact you if they are unhappy with something. Of course, terms and conditions are not limited to these. Feel free to add other details that your clients need to know.
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All in all, your terms and conditions contain the restrictions on the use of your site.
5. Notify: Where is your disclaimer displayed for people to see?
Visibility is important. Place your disclaimer somewhere people can easily read it. It is also best to emphasize it. You can use a striking font or make your text bold or italicized. Basically, anything that can make it attention-grabbing.
But it doesn’t stop there. You also need to ensure that your audience, indeed, read and understood the disclaimer. Since it’s online, do so by asking them for an acknowledgment by clicking a button. I’m sure you’re familiar with those ‘I have read…’ tickable boxes.
Final Disclaimer
Putting up a disclaimer on your website and other online materials does not make you immune. It’s in no way a guarantee of protection from all and any liability. It is more of a courtesy to people wherein you provide notice.
It is for them to know that you have protection from liability. Since they are willingly taking the risk of using the information you provide, you can use that, if ever, in court.
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And for our last heads up before you draft your own life coaching disclaimer template. A disclaimer is only as good as your carefulness. It’s ineffective if any injury or harm results from your own negligence.
Avoid getting sued by ensuring you have a life coaching disclaimer template around. On top of that, make sure that the details in it are understandable. Go over it a couple of times before adding it to your website. Because, hey, being finicky about this might be the thing to keep you from fighting it out at court.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need a disclaimer for my website?
It is advisable to have a disclaimer on your website. This is especially so if you’re giving out information seen as advice. You could avoid or limit your liability with a disclaimer. If anything were to happen to someone who suffers from the information you give
Do I need to get my disclaimer notarized?
You don’t need to get it notarized. Just make sure that users can easily spot and read them. So, put them somewhere readable and accessible.
Can I just copy an existing disclaimer?
You can. BUT! I would advise against it. After all, another site’s disclaimer will not encompass the same activities as yours. It would be best to create your own to avoid mistakes or missing information.
Can a disclaimer protect my business legally?
In the case of legal action, a disclaimer can help you win a lawsuit in court. Warning users on how to use the information you provide at their own risk can protect you from any misuse.
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What is a medical disclaimer?
A medical disclaimer only applies to content on medical and health areas. This type provides users with a statement about the informational purposes of your site.. It clarifies that your content doesn’t constitute any form of professional advice.
Where to put my life coaching disclaimer?
Aside from the one already mentioned (a page with an ‘I agree’ button), you can also provide a link somewhere on your website. This link will redirect visitors to another page where your disclaimer is located. You can even include your other policies in this part.
Another method would be including it in your terms and conditions. When visiting your website, you can have people accept your terms and conditions first. If you attach your disclaimer here, you can ensure that it is part of a contract.
How do I enforce my disclaimer?
It is not something you actively enforce per se. Once you include it in your site, it’s basically activated.
Your disclaimer is merely extra proof to make your case more substantial in the case of legal action.
Sample Life Coaching Disclaimer Template
- Start by making it clear that you’re a life coach and not a therapist offering mental health treatments
Sample: My services are that of a life coach. I am not a licensed psychologist or specialist. Thus, what I offer is by no means mental health treatments and shouldn’t be taken as a substitute for professional healthcare.
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- After stating who you are and aren’t, you can proceed with the liability of use.
Sample: All the information, services, and products found within the website are not a form of legal or medical advice. Use, misuse, or non-use of the information I provide is at your own risk, and responsibility will not fall on me in case damage, danger, or injury occurs. Please be advised that you knowingly assume all risks associated upon the purchase and/or use of the site’s content.
- Follow it with your no-guarantee and accuracy clause.
Sample: Every piece of information and all resources I share are intended to help and guide you to the best of my efforts. Thorough research has been done during the conception of each material to ensure accuracy and timeliness. Despite this, time can still render some information outdated in the future. To this, I am not also liable.
Additionally, I cannot guarantee the results thereafter. Success or failure is entirely dependent on your personal efforts and other unique factors that are out of my control.
- You can include a trademark and copyright notice.
Sample: My website contains copyrighted materials and other proprietary information. Permission must be asked and granted if you want to republish, transmit, distribute, reproduce, and display any material. Visitors and clients alike can download materials displayed on the website, given that they retain copyright and other proprietary notices included in the materials. Any action that is not in accordance with the terms set forth may result in criminal penalties.
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