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Need Workout Motivation? Here’s Some Inspiration

Need Workout Motivation? Progress In Your Hands

Are you one of the many of us who feels you need workout motivation? I speak from experience when I say that lack of workout motivation can be a serious hindrance to your exercise and fitness progress.

So I want to share a few insights that I’ve picked up along the way, that will hopefully keep you motivated to keep exercising. Please remember that this has all come from experience. I train people–it’s my passion; but I train myself too and that’s a whole different thing.

Need workout motivation? Don’t let progress slip from your grasp

Anyone who has taken that step to change their figure and to improve their health has been here at one point or another… you wake up and you just aren’t feeling it, so you take a day off, assuring yourself that you’ll train twice as hard the next day, but the next day comes and you tell yourself the same thing you did the day before.

This continues until a week has passed, then two, and then it just becomes a routine to not train, and the progress slips away.

Sound familiar? 

I’ve been there – it’s a slump, a rut – and it’s just no good. Now there’s a fantastic saying that I’ve often made my mantra: “why put off until tomorrow what you can do today?” It has become a source of motivation for me. I know that people gain motivation from different sources – it’s my job to know – but there are some views that ring true for everyone. 

No excuses

Unless you’re unwell, you have no reason not to train. The only time you can bail out on your training is when you are sick because it is counterproductive.

If you want to get more from your life, and are looking for concrete action steps to get you there, check out our Request a Coach page. It’s a “cut the fence-sitting and take action” way to tackle your issues and actually find success. To get off the fence and start to take action, click or tap here.

  • You’re stuck for time? I could train you in 10 minutes and still help you achieve awesome results.
  • The gym is closed? Give me a small patch of land, and I mean small, and I can train you more effectively than any gym routine.
  • You’re feeling tired? Exercise promotes an energy increase and I guarantee you’ll feel great if you just get up and train that day.
  • Your training partner cancelled? That’s fine, they’re missing out, but why should you?

Get out there and have an awesome workout! Don’t make excuses! Your goals are unique to you, how you get there, the effort you put in. Training partners are a great source of motivation, but you don’t NEED one to get results. 

I’m simply trying to make a point guys. Your progress, or lack of, is truly in your hands and only you can get to where you need to be. The next time you find yourself lacking in motivation, remind yourself of your goals and the effort you’ve hopefully put in so far. A positive mind is so important for progress. 

Be honest with yourself to secure progress

If you really want that new shape, health and well-being – as in want it with a passion – then it’s you that’s going to hold the key to obtaining it. It all comes down to honesty guys, and I will admit that I’ve been dishonest with myself a few times. I’ve made excuses to not train, told myself I’ll make up for it, and sure, you may well make up for it the next day, but it’s an unhealthy state of mind to have. 

I long ago made myself a promise that I would train no matter what the weather, no matter how much motivation I lacked, no matter how tired I felt at that moment, and I stuck to it, and still am in fact, and I have honestly never regretted a single workout. This is the power of the mind people, the positive attitude that will carry you when you lack the energy to get out there and seize your goals. 

Visualization is vital

Visualization is a powerful tool so the next time you find yourself making weak excuses as to why you can’t train that day, remind yourself of what it is you want to achieve, the work you’ve done so far, and the progress you stand to lose if you keep slacking.

One missed session for all the wrong reasons can easily lead to two, and three, and onwards, until you find yourself back where you started. Look at how far you’ve come and ask yourself if you want to be back there again. if the answer is a firm “NO,” then get yourself up and get out there. A short session is better than no session and it all adds to the bigger picture. 

An ‘excuse’ is never a valid reason

  • It’s raining – you’ll get a little wet but you can always dry off.
  • It’s cold – you’ll soon warm up from exercise.
  • You feel tired – you’ll forget about that when you start to train, I promise. You’ll train twice as hard tomorrow. But why would you stick to going twice as hard tomorrow if you’re going easy on yourself today? 

This is what I mean when I say that a lack of motivation can be a serious hindrance to your progress. Honesty and integrity will be valuable allies in your battle to get the figure you want. Progress starts with a single step – take yours and keep moving forward.

If you feel yourself feeling lackluster, take a look back to where you started from and ask yourself this: “Is that what I want to go back to?” 

If you want to get more from your life, and are looking for concrete action steps to get you there, check out our Request a Coach page. It’s a “cut the fence-sitting and take action” way to tackle your issues and actually find success. To get off the fence and start to take action, click or tap here.

You don’t? I didn’t think so, and I’m glad.

Keep moving forwards guys, you have the ability to do it. 

Stay focused.

If you want to get more from your life, and are looking for concrete action steps to get you there, check out our Request a Coach page. It’s a “cut the fence-sitting and take action” way to tackle your issues and actually find success. To get off the fence and start to take action, click or tap here.

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