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The 3 Step Dance for Getting Coaching Clients

Could getting clients be as fun as dancing gangnam style?

It’s not a complicated dance. It could actually be fun and rewarding (ok, maybe not as fun as the gangnam style dance or even the infamous harlem shake)… 

However your monkey mind might be trying to tell you otherwise. Often what’s getting in the way is the fabrications your mind is making up about this process. And what’s behind that… the fear of failure, the fear of what others will think, the fear of looking silly, the fear of rejection, you name it.

But look at this dude in his cheesy suit hoppin’ around; he’s got millions of people lovin’ it, barely knowing what the hell he’s talkin’ about and yet they join in from all around the world to do this dance right along with him. Yes his goal is to entertain, but if he can get out there and become a world phenomenon no matter how briefly he is famous, you most certainly CAN connect with 10, 20, 100′s even thousands of people yourself

Imagine how that would make a difference in your coaching business

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But with all this crap goin’ in the recesses of your mind it’s hard for clients to hire you. What often happens is…

You put a butt-load of hours into your coaching business, learning and implementing new SHINY marketing ideas, creating new programs that you pray people will love, and you keep plugging away… until, eventually you start feeling burned out or completely FRIED.

That thing you do, this thing you love and are so super excited about becomes something you might be thinking about giving up on.

When I was a relationship coach I was the poster child for this. I did all of the above and then some… and I eventually gave up. It was painful and disheartening. But I want YOU to know that it’s not your fault if some of this sounds like I’m singing your sad song.

See, you may not have realized how your monkey mind is sabotaging you and you may have received wrong information from others on what to do to get clients. So let me turn the strobe light on for you and make it simple with the 3 step dance  for getting clients.

The dance partners (clients) that ask you to dance (hire you) follow these steps:

SEE ALSO: If you’re a coach looking to streamline your administrative tasks and save time, check out our Coaching Administration Software. It’s a simple, effective solution designed to help you focus less on paperwork and more on what matters—coaching your clients. From scheduling to client management, our software gives you the tools to run your business efficiently. Ready to reclaim your time and boost productivity? Click or tap here.

1.     Somehow they hear about you and what you do

2.     They have a sample (discovery) coaching session with you

3.     They give you their payment info

Sound simple? It can be. Let me elaborate a little further…

Dance step 1: They somehow hear about you and what you do

I actually teach about the things you can do so people will “somehow” hear about you and what you do in my SOUFful Sexy SellingVIP Day, Private Coaching & Select Teletraining Programs. Sign up for my A-list to be kept in the know on my next training program.

Here are some fundamentals…

SEE ALSO: If you’re a coach looking to streamline your administrative tasks and save time, check out our Coaching Administration Software. It’s a simple, effective solution designed to help you focus less on paperwork and more on what matters—coaching your clients. From scheduling to client management, our software gives you the tools to run your business efficiently. Ready to reclaim your time and boost productivity? Click or tap here.

The opportunity to have conversations with people is endless no matter where you are (party, grocery store, seminar, etc.). The universe has endless ways of having you rendezvous with people who may be interested in your services. Sharing your opportunity is the #1 way to find clients.

People can also “hear about you and what you do” from articles you write and then send out in newsletters or submit online ie., blog, online article submission sites, etc. Or, from presentations you give (in person or via teleseminars), or from networking events, or people can be introduced to you through a joint venture partner.

These are all pieces of the marketing puzzle that get you set up for the big dance… moving potential clients to the next step…

Dance step 2: They have a sample (discovery) coaching session with you

Most coaches spend 90% of their time and energy on step 1, learning the ins and outs, creating their materials, going to networking events, etc. It’s sort of like the step 1 moment Abraham-Hicks so eloquently speaks of in the process of creating what you want. Step 1 in this case would be you continually asking, “how do I get clients”, “how do I get clients,” and then taking all these actions you think will get you there as you try to figure out for yourself the “HOW.”

And then when you actually have someone request a sample session, you blow it!!

And why do you blow it? Because your focus is scattered and misplaced, you’re in “getting clients mode.” Time to be in “serving clients mode.” Spend 95% of this part of the dance, your sample (discovery) session, asking your potential clients about what they want, why they want it, what’s not working, why they believe it’s not working, and the impact these issues are having on their life. This is CRUCIAL to moving them to the next step…

SEE ALSO: If you’re a coach looking to streamline your administrative tasks and save time, check out our Coaching Administration Software. It’s a simple, effective solution designed to help you focus less on paperwork and more on what matters—coaching your clients. From scheduling to client management, our software gives you the tools to run your business efficiently. Ready to reclaim your time and boost productivity? Click or tap here.

Dance step 3: They give you their payment info

It’s wonderful to get a financial commitment to coaching right then and there. When people give you money first, they put their a$$ to the fire and they do their part to get the value out of your work together, instead of getting the coaching in your session, AND THEN deciding if it was worth it.

So if you’re hearing me, your goal is NOT to coach (and solve their problems) during the session, it is to help them discover what they are most looking for and how great it will be when they get it!

So get ready for the big dance by letting your coaching business follow this 3-step process, and you’ll make it way easier for clients to figure out what to do. This will result in more discovery sessions, and more clients!! 

Now get out there and dance with yo’ bad-ass!

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