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Keys to a Healthy Relationship

The key to healthy relationship

Updated Dec 28, 2022

Developing a healthy relationship 

A healthy relationship requires two healthy parties growing together. 

There has been a surge of requests from individuals looking to develop a “healthy relationship.” Unfortunately, what many people do not realize is that if they are not healthy themselves, looking for a healthy relationship is a futile endeavor. This is because a healthy relationship requires two healthy parties growing together. That cannot occur, however, if one person is unhealthy.  

A healthy relationship is one where two independent people just make a deal that they will make the other person be the best version of themselves. Anonymous Coaching Quote

Healthy vs unhealthy relationships 

Consider what would happen if you placed a spoiled fruit together with a fresh one in a plastic bag in the refrigerator. Would you expect the spoiled fruit to become less spoiled because it is in the same package as the “healthy” fruit? I would suspect that you would say “no.”

Well, the same thing occurs when you put an unhealthy person with a healthy person together. The results would be the same, wherein you expect the healthy person to affect the unhealthy one positively.

rotten apple in plastic

The result could be disastrous as you put undue pressure on the healthy person to meet your emotional and mental needs. Thus, it would be much worse if you have two unhealthy people in a relationship together. 

The keys to a healthy relationship 

The key to being in a healthy relationship is to first look and check the unhealthiness within you before trying to unite with someone else. You won’t be able to tell unless you are honest with yourself.

  1. The first step in this process would be to admit that there are areas which need addressing  
  2. It is important to be open and willing to try new things
  3. There must be a willingness to commit and invest in change 
Keys to a healthy relationship tips

The process of creating a healthy relationship 

The process is simple:

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#1 Admission

Perhaps most relationships have their fair share of highs and lows. Fun times, problems, and adjustments just go in circles – they never stop. 

So, if you ever get caught between an obstacle in your relationship, be honest with yourself and your partner. Assess what led to that situation and plan how you could resolve the issue.   

Only those with the courage to admit something’s wrong can successfully move to the next step. 

be open to your partner

#2 Openness

There’s no other way to address your concerns but to face it head-on. Only when you learn to respectfully agree to disagree, can you openly discuss and resolve things.

Healthy couples don’t shy away from expressing disagreements. Why? Since it’s all part of growing and building a healthy relationship.

Talk things out and understand each other’s viewpoints. If you need to be calm to properly convey your thoughts, allow yourself to spend a few moments to collect yourself.

But your readiness to speak about the problem at hand is only half the battle. Practice empathy and respect as if you were talking with a friend. Keep in mind your goal in speaking about the issue, that is to develop your relationship. Not to prove who’s right or wrong.

Bottom line is there’s no other way to address your concerns but to face it head-on. Only when you learn to respectfully agree to disagree, can you openly discuss and resolve things.

#3 Commitment to change

The reality is, you can’t control the people around you, even your partner. But you can control yourself. Commit to change and start building a healthy relationship.

Remember the phrase, “everything changes; nothing stays the same”? It pretty much applies nearly to all things – in business, life in general, and even in relationships! 

If you want to get more from your life, and are looking for concrete action steps to get you there, check out our Request a Coach page. It’s a “cut the fence-sitting and take action” way to tackle your issues and actually find success. To get off the fence and start to take action, click or tap here.

If all else that surrounds us changes, but we don’t, what will happen to us?

Likewise, when you face an issue with your relationship and your partner is willing to change, but you don’t accept your flaws, what will become of your relationship? 

The reality is, you can’t control the people around you, even your partner. But you can control yourself. Commit to change and start building a healthy relationship.

Steps to a healthy relationship

It is only then can you emerge into the individual that you would like to be. 


  1. What are the 3 C’s in a healthy relationship?

A healthy relationship is probably what every couple wishes to have. So how do you build one? Focus on the 3 C’s – communication, commitment, and compromise. 

Communication breaks barriers and enhances understanding despite your differences. Commitment strengthens your relationship as you make a conscious effort to nurture it. Finally, compromise encourages openness and acceptance of each other’s differences in opinions, values, and priorities. It’s thinking beyond who’s right or wrong. But considering the best decision and action as lifetime partners.

  1. What are the ingredients of a healthy relationship?

Turns out there’s a not-so-secret recipe for creating a happy and healthy relationship.

  • Find your happiness within
  • Express your emotions: be honest and transparent
  • Learn to compromise
  • Allot time for self-care
  • Engage in difficult conversations – don’t avoid them!
  • Show kindness with your words and actions
  • Create healthy boundaries
  1. What are the five pillars of a healthy relationship?

Relationships have varying strengths, needs, and challenges. But as different as they are, nothing can win against a relationship with a proper foundation. Ensure your relationships are built on solid ground with these five pillars: love, communication, trust, truthfulness, and affection.

If you want to get more from your life, and are looking for concrete action steps to get you there, check out our Request a Coach page. It’s a “cut the fence-sitting and take action” way to tackle your issues and actually find success. To get off the fence and start to take action, click or tap here.

If you want to get more from your life, and are looking for concrete action steps to get you there, check out our Request a Coach page. It’s a “cut the fence-sitting and take action” way to tackle your issues and actually find success. To get off the fence and start to take action, click or tap here.

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