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Sex Magic Starts With You

Our bodies are gifts to be cherished

Fall in love with your body

When you learn to fall in love with your body. You create Sex Magic in your bedroom.

What is Sex Magic? Sex magic is Tantra, which is a beautiful practice of the divine goddess within you that is awakened using your natural sexual energy. Even if you’re not having sex.

Sex is the creation of all life. The whole world was created in the womb. That alone should make you wake up and cherish your body. We have forgotten that our bodies are a gift to be cherished and worshiped by ourselves and our lovers.

It saddens me to meet so many people who do not love their bodies.

Body shaming

Body shaming is an epidemic. I want to share with you a little bit about my body shaming past and though my story may sound different than yours, I can asure you the pain is the same. But we are adults now and we teach people how we deserve to be treated.

I have always been very busty and what society thinks is attractive. Whatever that means. Ever since I was a little girl. I was told that if I was this pretty or busty that men would only want one thing from me and that there is no way I could be smart or spiritual. No one would respect me if I have big breasts and on top of it, I had a great awareness of my own sexual energy. This literally consumed my entire life. I let that shit live in my tissues and became what I was told. “Your issues are in your tissues.” I have spent 40 years healing that energy and I can tell you, your body is perfect and you can do anything no matter what size, shape or color God designed you to be.

Loving yourself

If you want a healthier fitter body thats great too because everything is possible when you love yourself first. We all want to look better that is normal, but it should come from a place of love, not hate. God is love and you are LOVE because you are GOD.

If you want to get more from your life, and are looking for concrete action steps to get you there, check out our Request a Coach page. It’s a “cut the fence-sitting and take action” way to tackle your issues and actually find success. To get off the fence and start to take action, click or tap here.

Body image techniques

  1. Get naked (no really take your clothes off) Sit in comfortable cross legged position in front of a mirror and lightly touch your whole body. You can use a feather or your finger nails. Just touch in a loving way and enjoy your beautiful skin that you wear everyday.
    You can spend a couple minutes on any area that feels the most delicious and just breathe.
  2. Put your hand on your heart and the other hand on your lower belly. Gaze into your eyes. Really gaze into your eyes in the mirror and see inside this beautiful body. All the cells, muscles, tissues and organs. Thank your body for everything it does for you everyday.
    The first time you do this you might start to cry or laugh. This is normal. Just accept whatever arises. Loving ourselves is hard work.
  3. Invest in a dry brush. Dry brushing moves the lymphatic system and aids is detoxication. When you detox, you can start to raise your vibration for further energy healing. Dry brush every part of your body towards the heart. Try not to over brush just a consistent firm upward motion is all you need. Dry brushing over your chakras in a clockwise circular motion for a minute and using affirmations for each chakra to open and receive divine healing is very effective.
    Dry brushing is good for cellulite reduction, exfoliating skin, removing negative energy, opening up chakras and cleaning up your lymphatic system.

I hope you will find these 3 easy steps a juicy way to start loving your amazing body.

Healing from your insecurities

I know that as soon as you see your body as the magnificent gift that it is You will appreciate it so much more. Do you love your car? Of course you do, it provides you with freedom to go where you want to go. I have met people who treat their cars better than their bodies. I get it. I love my car because I manifested it. But my body comes first and so should yours..

And please get over it. Who ever body shamed you or is still body shaming you is no longer in control of your happiness. You are whole and healing. You are a Spiritual Bombshell.

These are just 3 simple steps to start loving your body tonight. If you feel inclined to learn more, please book a coaching session with me. I love to do a free introduction on skype for 10 to 15 minutes so you can see if we resonante together.

I love rituals. The true Goddess’s of evolution believed in rituals to love their lives. I know we are busy, so I always try to make rituals short and realistic to acheive the best reults.

In Love and Light


If you want to get more from your life, and are looking for concrete action steps to get you there, check out our Request a Coach page. It’s a “cut the fence-sitting and take action” way to tackle your issues and actually find success. To get off the fence and start to take action, click or tap here.

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