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How to Handle Anxiety in Any Situation

Stop What You Doing Take Big Deep Breath Let Out

Battling anxiety

Ahh Anxiety… that sudden feeling when your heart instantly starts pounding so hard you think it’s going to burst right out of your chest at any given moment, your body is shaking uncontrollably and your breathing is so labored and you can’t think straight. I know this feeling all to well. I have been in many situations just like you, it’s no fun and sometimes it’s down right scary.

I remember a recent time I was in this exact type of situation, in fact, it was so recent thats what prompted this tip. Let’s just say I am not a super great housekeeper, I mean, I have 3 teens and I work full time, plus my coaching business, so somtimes my house is a little chaotic and messy. You know when the laundry is on the couch unfolded, dishes in the sink and mail all over the table. So when my Mom called to say she was stopping by, I went into COMPLETE and UTTER full on anxiety panic attack because my house wasn’t clean or picked up. My daughter and I sped through the house like I had just threw back 10 redbulls. I was shaking, my heart was pounding and my breathing was so hard and fast I thought I was going to faint. After my daughter had calmed me down a bit I was able to remember these simple 5 tips. I knew in a few minutes by doing just a few of these tips below I was going to be ok. 

Tips to handle anxiety

If you find your self in a full on anxiety panic attack, remeber these 5 quick tips to help calm that high anxiety situation. 

  1. Stop what you are doing, take a really big deep breath, let it out. Keep doing this unti your breathing is no longer labored or has leveled out. I suggest around 5 times.
  2. Talk to yourself (yes I said talk to yourself) tell yourself everything will be ok, just calm down (repeat if necessary)
  3. If possible, remove yourself from the situation for just a few minutes to clear your head then go back to it. Take small breaks if needed. 
  4. Talk to someone, coworker, friend, neighbor etc. Sometimes just talking it out and having someone listen will ease your anxiety symptoms.
  5. Relax your body, relax your shoulders, arms, face, sit up straight.

I promise you, if you do all 5 or even just a couple of these tips you will significally reduce your high anxiety situation. 

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