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Learning to be a Leader that Others Will Want to Follow

Point your team in the right direction through leadership.

Have you ever dreamed of being the kind of person that does great things and people want to be around them just to be inspired? 

If you think back to the important people in your life whether at work, in school, or maybe just in your family life, you will find there were those that you really just enjoyed being around and wanted to be like them.  Maybe it was their creativity, or their friendliness.  Whatever it was it drew you to them and made you feel like a better person.

A leadership coach can help you identify and implement these attributes into your own character.  The following tips will help you to become the leader that other will want to follow.

Walk the walk

Setting an example is as important to those you work with as it is to a child.  If they hear you say one thing and then do another they are not going to be sure about following you. Don’t allow yourself to become insincere in your behavior.  Let your behavior show that you are worth following.

Honestly care about those around you

Take time to get to know the person you are working with.  Find out what’s important to them personally.  The more you know about them and the more they feel like you are really concerned about them as a person first, the more they will be willing to try and meet your expectations.

Be grateful

Gratitude goes a long way to helping someone feel good about what they are doing.  Notice the little things.  If you have a team member that pushes in all the chairs before they leave tell them thank you and let them know that you notice.  This will encourage them when it is time to do the big things.  They know you will notice and that it will be appreciated. They will know that you value their contribution, whether big or small.

If you want to get more from your life, and are looking for concrete action steps to get you there, check out our Request a Coach page. It’s a “cut the fence-sitting and take action” way to tackle your issues and actually find success. To get off the fence and start to take action, click or tap here.

Be personable

Don’t build a barrier around yourself that makes those around you feel like you are unapproachable.  When you let them see you as a person, not just their leader, you are building a trust.  When they see that you have made mistakes and learned from them, then you are giving them an opportunity to learn from your mistakes so that they hopefully won’t make them for themselves.

Be a good communicator

Communication is more than just the words that you say, or don’t, it’s the tone of your voice.  Many times a person will get much more out of your tone of voice or non-verbal communication than they will out of the actual words that you are saying.  Caution must be used in all communication so that you will be able to solve the problems rather than just create bigger ones.

Continue to learn and grow

If those around you see that you are reading and learning new things or taking classes to improve your skills, they are going to have a desire to do the same.  The higher you raise the bar and your expectations for yourself, the more they will be motivated to improve.

That is your goal to motivate and inspire those you lead. Working with your leadership coach you will learn the skills necessary to be a hero to those you lead.

If you want to get more from your life, and are looking for concrete action steps to get you there, check out our Request a Coach page. It’s a “cut the fence-sitting and take action” way to tackle your issues and actually find success. To get off the fence and start to take action, click or tap here.

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