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How to Identify Limiting Beliefs: Our Blocks To Living A Fabulous Life

“Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t — you’re right.” Henry Ford

How are your Limiting Beliefs holding you back?

The mind is so powerful it can lead us to feel fulfilled and happy, or depressed and anxious. When we understand what drives us, and why we think the thoughts we do, we are empowered to make transformational changes in our life.

  • Do you know what thoughts are holding you back?
  • Have you identified any ongoing goal that you have not achieved, and what story you tell that supports you in not achieving it?
  • What excuses to you make for yourself for the situation you are in?

We can inadvertently hold ourselves back with the thought processes and patterns that we continually run, especially our limiting beliefs. Mostly this is unconscious, and until we uncover these limiting beliefs, we perpetuate the same experiences for ourselves.

How to Identify Your Limiting Beliefs

A great way to identify your limiting beliefs is to look at the areas of your life that are not working, and ask yourself questions. These could look like this:

  • What would I have to be believing to keep manifesting this?
  • Why have I never got enough — love, money, time, friends etc? (whichever is relevant)
  • What am I not accepting in myself about this situation?
  • Who am I blaming?
  • What is the story I tell that supports this situation?

I am more than happy to discuss any of these challenges with you more in depth should you need help exploring in this way.

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