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How is Christian Life Coach Training Any DIfferent?

Why learn from a Christian life coach trainer?

I am passionate about Christian Life Coaching; I LOVE Christian Life Coach Training.

Raising up a generation of believers who are equipped to minister with authenticity, listen (and really mean it!), ask questions instead of giving advice and move other Christ followers into actual transformation… what gets better than that?

People will ask me, “Is it different? Is Christian Life Coach Training really any different than your typical Life Coach Training?”

I answer with an emphatic, “Yes.”

It’s different because it means approaching life coaching from the foundational paradigm of belief. Belief in that person. But bigger than that… belief in the God who not only made that person, but made a way for that person to overcome. Whether it’s internal or external barriers that hold your client back, as a Christian Life Coach Trainer, I know that YOU, her coach, can trust that the God you both serve is more committed to your client’s success than you are.

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Christian Life Coach Training is different because it calls you to bring your authentic self to the table so your clients can do the same. Not some air-brushed version of you that you want your clients to see. But YOU. With all your messiness and all your glory. It calls you to bring your full story and share it like you believe that the God you serve really meant it when He said it will all work together for your good. And for your client’s.

Christian Life Coach Training is different because it compels you to embrace your client with her fullest potential… now. It demands that you see what God has seen all along. The twenty-five year old who “failed to launch” now working for one of the top salons in the state. The young woman who determined to be invisible sharing the Gospel publicly. The depressed middle aged widower now remarried and moving towards his dream of owning his own business.

I’ve seen all of this. And there’s more. More individuals who want to live life to its fullest and their own potential to its max.

Christian Life Coach Training equips you to help that individual make their “bookshelf dream” a reality.

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