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One Habit That Can Transform Your Coaching Practice

We can spend so much time working on our business, looking at new ways of generating clients and researching new coaching techniques that can help our clients develop. These are all valid and yet there is one simple step that we often miss: reflecting on our practice.

When reflecting, we can consider our approach to our coaching business, as well as the time we actually spend with clients, how we interact, and the approaches we take to help them progress. I have developed a simple reflection tool that can help you to make the most of the learning that is readily available to you:

  • This week I planned to:
  • What actually happened?
  • What did I do differently at the time, from what I had planned?
  • How did I feel about it while it was happening?
  • What went well?
  • What could have been improved?
  • Colleagues’ viewpoint: (if any)
  • Other viewpoints: (if any)
  • Theory related to it: (if any)
  • How do I feel about it now?
  • Action plan: (SMARTER: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Resourced, Timebound, Ethical, Reviewed)

Combine this with regularly asking clients at the end of each discussion and you will develop consistently:

  • On a scale of 1-10, how effective was this session for you?
  • What could have made it a 10?
  • What could I do differently next time to support you more effectively?

I’d love to know what you learn as a result!

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