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GPS Blueprints & You: Moving Forward

A blueprint for your coaching

Even though you may never have heard of it, a GPS Blueprint is a powerful tool which helps your clients understand their present state and provides clarity on the challenge that has them “stuck.”

Limiting beliefs

As Albert Einstein once stated, “The significant problems we have cannot be solved with the same level of thinking which created it.”

With this in mind, the Coach guides the Client to identify the challenge in its entirety, to explore and identify all contributing factors and consider congruence before moving on to the next steps – uncovering limiting beliefs and discovering resources.

Uncovering limiting beliefs is crucial to move toward a solution. Often times our beliefs are so ingrained or so long held they have been rarely questioned. Some serve us well in certain contexts and fail us in other contexts, yet we apply these beliefs evenly across the board.

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Additionally, they may affect more than what we bargain for – which leads to another step in the GPS Blueprint system – taking a bird’s eye view.

Taking a bird’s eye view

Wise American novelist Lisa Alther has said, ” I happen to think that the degree of a person’s intelligence is directly reflected by the number of conflicting attitudes she can bring to bear on the same topic.”

This applies to emotional intelligence as well. A bird’s eye view entails examining alternative points of view which may help create a broader, more accurate picture of where one presently is and where the individual seeks to be. This, in turn, leads to an inquiry of all the resources the individual possesses and will need to develop in order to successfully attain the desired outcome.

How the GPS blueprint can help your coaching

The GPS Blueprint system is astoundingly adept at uncovering real, perceived and hidden roadblocks holding an individual back from achieving their desired goal. GPS Blueprinting is useful in transition management, developing clarity, goal management, reconnecting with self, organization management and establishing boundaries.

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