Find a Goal Setting coach
What is a goal setting coach?
On the surface, figuring out what you want in life seems relatively straightforward. But come to think about it, nothing could be more difficult. Here is where a goal-setting coach comes in. They can help you through the whole process of setting smart goals and a plan of action to achieve them. Add to this their ability to keep you on track, all the while helping you retain the motivation to realize your goals successfully.

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What does a goal setting coach do?
Simply put, this kind of coach helps you with goal setting.
But it goes beyond that. You see, goal setting is associated with other valuable skills. These help you in effectively setting goals and sustainably achieving them. At the same time, they are the very same traits you can develop to help you lead the life you want.
And what a goal-setting coach does is to help you work on those skills:
The right amount of self-confidence
Goal-setting is heavily linked to self-confidence. They go hand in hand. How so?
You’ll need some bout of self-confidence to be able to achieve the goals you are set to accomplish. A goal-setting coach can help you overcome the doubts and hesitations you have.
A lot of those negative perceptions are magnified or made worse in your head. Humans have that self-torturing (and honestly, ridiculous) tendency.
Likewise, it’s also important not to be overconfident with goal setting. Pursuing more tasks than necessary can cause you to deviate from your actual goal. Therefore, you’re risking more and impairing your performance to achieve it.
True, mantras like “avoiding negative thoughts” and “looking on the bright side” can be beneficial for goal setting. But, there are also circumstances where they aren’t. In such cases, being honest with yourself and accepting who you are would be better (Bénabou & Tirole, 2000).
A goal-setting coach can guide you in setting SMART goals to avoid going in way over your head.
Resilience in overcoming challenges
Are you familiar with the saying that goes: “Expect for the best, but prepare for the worst?” You should because you’ll need it with goal-setting.
Challenges are given with goal-setting. After all, how do you expect to move from your current state to your desired one? The whole of goal-setting is basically about overcoming challenges. That, and coming out of them alive in triumphant victory.
A goal-setting coach can help you work on that resilience. You’ll be able to move through the difficulties while maintaining motivation. You can also count on positive coping mechanisms when things don’t always go your way .
Highly resilient people become stronger after difficult situations. You’ll be able to maintain a positive outlook, not to mention gain the independence to make decisions. You’ll learn to act independently without always relying on other people (Korhonen, 2007).
Eyes on the prize
Goal setting doesn’t end with deciding what you want to achieve. More importantly, it outlines the course of action that will let you reach your goal.
But this undertaking is anything but easy. Obstacles await you at every turn. It would be easy to get distracted or lose faith in what you set out to do. A goal-setting coach can then help you redirect back your focus on what truly matters. They can also help you in filling the gaps.
These gaps are anything that you don’t have but are necessary to achieving your goal (Hagen, 2021). Your gap can even be a lack of self-confidence and resilience.
Your goal-setting coach can help you come up with concentration strategies. These will help you to minimize distractions and promote productivity instead.
Do I need a goal setting coach?
When all is said and done, we all just want to thrive in life. To do so, you’ll need a sense of direction. And isn’t that what goal setting is for? For you to have something to look forward to?
Have you ever noticed how people with no clear purpose find it difficult to attach meaning to the things they do? It’s like being on autopilot. When you do things out of habit without any sense of joy, life will be dull.
Are you one of those people? If you are, well, then…you do need a goal-setting coach.
With a professional by your side, you can get help in the following areas:
Making better decisions
Intuition, gut feelings, or whatever you want to call it, is often dismissed as mystical. How can it not be when its explanation is the ability to understand things without conscious reasoning? It’s instantaneous, might I add. The answer just comes to you. And you don’t know precisely just where it came from.
So yes, it’s a tad bit mystical. But once you pair intuition with analytical thinking, you can make accurate and faster decisions (Donkin et al., 2016). Moreover, you also gain more confidence in your choices.
A goal-setting coach can help you cultivate both your analytical thinking and your intuition. They can help you strengthen your decision-making skills to your benefit. They can also assist you in recognizing fear, which can lead to indecision, and learn how to overcome it.
Goal setting won’t be as daunting as it seems now. There won’t be room for you to overthink what you should pursue in a sea full of enticing goals. You’ll know. This goes for the action plan to achieve that goal as well. When you can make your brain work with your gut, you can quickly access all past learnings and experiences to discern the wisest decision to move forward.
Getting motivated to act
The best motivation is the one you can find within yourself. True, external encouragement can contribute. But it’s only you who can drive yourself toward your desired future.
A goal-setting coach can help you find that motivation to pursue your goals. They have the capability to guide you in accessing the inspiration and motivation you need. There’s also their ability to help you set SMART goals. Because it’s in having specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound goals that you motivate yourself to act upon them.
It’s like an endless cycle of progress and inspiration. You achieve small steps toward your goals. You get inspired to do more. By creating this kind of achievement cycle, you propel yourself to perform better, set attainable goals, and be more purposeful in life (Colantuoni et al., 2012).
Finding direction
Goal-setting in and of itself is comparable to a compass. A goal guides people in the right direction. It provides you with the appropriate stepping stones for success.
A goal-setting coach can help you stay true to what you want to achieve. They can guide you in not losing sight of your goal when unexpected hurdles stop you in your tracks.
There are times when moving forward will feel overwhelming for you. The direction that was once very clear becomes hazy, and you question if your goal is even worth it. So you find yourself at a standstill. But a goal-setting coach can help you regain clarity and faith in the direction that you’re going.
Furthermore, quitting can always seem appealing when difficulties arise. Something’s blocking your way? Might as well stop now before allocating more of your resources to something unattainable, right? Wrong. A goal-setting coach can also help you develop the right attitude and mindset to ensure that you achieve your goal.
How can a goal setting coach help me?
In a lot of ways. But off the top of my head, a goal-setting coach can help you figure out what you want and set an actionable plan to achieve it.
But I’m sure you already know that obvious one, huh? So here are the other things that a goal-setting coach can help you with:
We both know how hard it is to be consistent. It takes a lot from a person to keep up the effort (and frankly, the high spirit) to make a dream come true.
How can it not be when consistency is the driver of success? Factor in the fact that we now live in a world where everything is instant. This includes gratification.
Today it’s all about wanting instant results, despite only giving the bare minimum.
Working on your consistency will require discipline, commitment, and…a goal-setting coach. They can help you plan your steps, sustainable ones. So you won’t feel disheartened along the way.
Did you know you get an instant accountability buddy when you hire a goal-setting coach?
Having someone, a professional at that, holding you accountable can keep you from diverting from what needs to be done. Having a goal in mind is one thing. But doing what needs to be done is a whole different kettle of fish. When things don’t go your way, it’s easier to blame others and make excuses.
Not only that, but a goal-setting coach can guide you in holding yourself accountable. They can help you accept responsibility for your decisions and their corresponding outcomes. By developing personal accountability, you’ll be more proactive, intentional, and strategic in achieving your goal.
Time management
Following through on your goals is almost impossible without managing your time effectively. Chances are, you often mistake your busyness for being productive.
A to-do list helps. There are even countless apps to help you with time management. Helpful tools and hacks are abundant as well. But these alone can’t work.
A goal-setting coach can guide you in looking at your time realistically. Once you can understand how limited your time is, you’ll be able to set better actionable goals. Your goal-setting coach can also assist you in organizing schedules and plans. This will help you to perform tasks effectively, bringing you closer to your goals.
Six great reasons to hire a goal setting coach
What do you think impedes you the most in your goal setting? It’s the other goals that you already have. They are in constant conflict with each other. All of them demanding for a lot of your attention.
If you think you can divide your time and focus whenever a new goal is set, think again. Because it’s actually the opposite. You’ll have to pull your focus and energy from your other pursuits.
The key here is to set aside the less important things for a bit. You have to focus on one goal at a time.
Right. Like it’s that easy.
Alright, I hear you. That’s why you need a professional. But if this isn’t reason enough for you to hire a goal-setting coach, maybe the following will help you realize why you should:
- To overcome procrastination
So why do you do it? Procrastinate, I mean.
Most people are in this situation because of apprehension (Burka & Yuen, 2008). About what? Because of something we’re all familiar with — being judged for not being good enough. It’s that dark feeling of being found lacking despite putting in the best efforts.
In short, you can blame human nature for our fear of failure.
Underneath it all is the emotional roots of procrastination. These involve uncomfortable feelings such as fears, hopes, pressures, doubts, etc. Instead of feeling vulnerable and exposed, you’d rather ignore everything.
Avoidance. It’s the safe bet for not being in some uncomfortable territory.
A goal-setting coach can help you see past your fears. Because once you’re able to look them in the eye, procrastination wouldn’t be as comforting as before.
- To develop a sense of self-mastery
Certain aspects of yourself are revealed when you embark on the coaching journey. This kind of awareness comes from the “confession of the self” (Besley, 2006). But your confession should not be born from self-denial. Instead, it should come from self-mastery. It needs to come from a sense of finally knowing yourself wholly. This will allow you to acknowledge truths that are hidden or ignored.
And ultimately, self-acceptance will follow. Because knowing who you are makes goal-setting easier. Honestly, it makes your goals truer, genuine, and unapologetically you.
With a goal-setting coach, you’ll be better equipped for self-discovery.
- To experience life satisfaction
Although commonly used interchangeably with happiness, life satisfaction and happiness aren’t the same. You see, happiness occurs at certain moments of life. To be specific, being happy is an immediate and in-the-moment feeling. Therefore, it’s also fleeting. Happy moments do contribute to a well-lived life. But solely, they won’t be enough to make for a satisfying one.
Life satisfaction isn’t being happy all the time. It’s more stable and spans longer (just your whole life, you know). It’s subjective and totally up to you, depending on the values that you hold dearest. Satisfaction is living the life that you want.
But before that can happen, you have to set your priorities straight and get your goals clear. Then there’s following through with what it would take for these to happen.
It’s too broad. Almost too complex. But worry not. A goal-setting coach can help you with all of this. Your dreams don’t have to remain as they are. Together with a coach, you can make them your reality soon enough.
- To take ownership of your life
I want you to pause for a second to take that in. Is there anything more freeing than taking ownership of your own life?
You. It needs to be you who’s captaining the ship. Never the fears. Most definitely, not the doubts.
As Tony Robbins puts it, “a decision made from fear is always the wrong decision.” It’s going to steer you in the wrong direction. And while you’re at it, let it dictate everything in your life. Why don’t you? (Note the sarcasm.)
Dictating how you live your life means understanding the importance of making realistic goals today. Goals that you set of your own volition. The very same goals that will bring you closer to your desired future.
Think of a goal-setting coach as your trusted right hand. They are there to help you navigate a turbulent sea. Assist you in never losing sight of the right direction. But never to take the wheel and drive.
- To forgive yourself on the way to your goal
You’re probably wondering why the fifth reason is even part of this list. I’ll explain it through a disclaimer.
It’s exhilarating to set a goal. Thinking about the possibilities of the future is heart-warming. And yet, they can be blinding as well. You may develop idealized versions or false truths.
When you’re on top of the world, what could go wrong doesn’t cross your mind. And believe me when I say this, many things will go wrong before you arrive at your destination.
Goal setting is the easier part. Executing the plan to achieve the goal is the difficult one. You’ll mess some things up, while others will be entirely out of your hands.
But I haven’t told you the burdensome part. Can you forgive yourself for the inconsistencies? For the days that you feel defeated? For the times you’re incapable of doing something?
A goal-setting coach can help you overcome self-deprecating thoughts and talk you may develop. They’re here to make the whole journey manageable, and for you to not be alone.
6. To successfully achieve your goal
Let’s save the main reason for last.
Achieving your goals can be done on your own. But that usually entails diving head first or going blindly. There will come a point when you feel stagnant or lost. And it will take time to move past those feelings. At worst, you’ll abandon your goal altogether.
With a goal-setting coach, you’ll be able to reach your goal in a more sustainable way. Yes, it will be easier. They are experts in the field, after all. They can help you build a healthy course of action.
Basically, you’ll have a higher chance of achieving whatever it is you want.
Ready to talk action? Choose one from the amazing list above.
If you want to try to do a bit of self work, take a look at this goal setting template.
Questions a goal setting coach might ask you
Some of the questions that you might encounter during a coaching session with your goal-setting coach include these:
- How is your life going right now?
- What do you want most in your life?
- How do you think will your goal benefit you?
- Why do you want to achieve ________?
- What do you think are the actions you need to take to accomplish your goal?
- What will be your first step toward your goal?
- When will you start the process of achieving your goal?
- How would success feel after you get what you want?
- What is the realistic deadline that you should set to achieve this?
- What alternative solutions can you take if one course of action doesn’t work?
- What are the obstacles that you think you’ll encounter?
- What are the assumptions you have regarding your goal?
- How would you go about your goal if there won’t be any constraints?
- How will your goal affect the most important people in your life?
- Where are you currently in relation to your goal?
- What is the progress you’ve made up to this point?
- What has contributed success to your goal so far?
- Who are the people that can help you realize your goal?
- Who do you know that has been in a similar situation as you are?
- What do you think will someone in the same shoes as you do?
How much does a goal setting coach cost
The cost of hiring a goal-setting coach depends on several factors. These may include:
- The way sessions are conducted
- The clientele and target clients
- The experience of your coach
- The length of the coaching sessions
- The location
But apart from these five, coaching fees may still vary and be influenced by other particulars depending on the coach. In general coaches charge between $50 and $200 per hour, with discounts when you commit to longer term packages.
Now what? How to find a goal setting coach near me
Take action now by reaching out to a coach to help you reach those goals that are growing dusty. Just click the Contact Me from our list of qualified professional coaches above. Or let us do the hard work by putting in a coaching request.