Hey, I’m a coach!

Manish Yadav

Certified Personal Trainer

, India
from $35.00 USD to $150.00 USD

Coaching areas I specialize in

About Me

Manish Yadav is among the top online fitness trainers in India. He is the founder of MFG (My Fitness Goal). It provides online fitness coaching to people for achieving their health, fitness and performance goals. It is founded with a clear vision to make world class personal training services available online for the people who don’t have access to qualified and experienced trainers. Today MFG online fitness trainer is a renowned name in online training space.

During his own fitness journey, he felt that most of the information available on internet or shared by unqualified trainers in the gym is not validated and full of myths. This is the reason why people couldn’t reach to their goals even after hiring a personal trainer. There is a need among fitness enthusiasts for an authentic source on which they can rely for taking advice. To fulfil this need he founded MFG and started giving online fitness training. Through MFG he has helped more than thousands of people in achieving their fitness goals by providing research based training.

Some of the reputed certifications he has obtained are Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist (NSCA), Personal Trainer (ACE), Fitness Nutrition Specialist (ACE), Corrective Exercise Specialist (TBMM) etc.

Coaching with me

How I like to coach

I coach my clients online.

Experience, Certifications & Training

Certifications and Degrees

  • Personal Trainer (American Council on Exercise)
  • Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist (National Strength & Conditioning Association)
  • Corrective Exercise Specialist (The BioMechanics Method)
  • Fitness Nutrition Specialist (American Council on Exercise)

Fee description

Fees: from $35.00 USD to $150.00 USD

Rs.3,000/- for Monthly Fitness Plan

Rs.8,000/- for Quaterly Fitness Plan

Rs.14,000/- for Six Month Fitness Plan

Submitting your free consultation request is completely free with no obligation.

Submitting your free consultation request is completely free with no obligation.

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