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What is Your Purpose?

TAGS: coaching, life coaching, business coaching, coach, life coach, self help, personal development purpose, meaning of life, gifts

The best way to have a productive life is to understand your purpose.

While most people think that purpose is some deep spiritual quest, they are so far from the truth. Knowing your purpose is simply tapping into what it is that you do well to serve the greater good.

Most individuals don't find this truth because they are too busy seeking what they want out of life in a physical sense. Seeking things, not wisdom. Soloman was a man who sought nothing but wisodm, and the Creator, in turn gave him everything he could ever want.

So what's the lesson here? Seek out wisdom first.


  • Look within yourself to find the greatest of gifts you have, and use them to help others.
  • You will find that in return people will desire to be around you, bless you and send others to you, thereby creating a way for you to have your needs meet and many of your wants.

This is what was meant by "Seek ye first the kingdom of heaven." Kingdom, in a spiritual sense, is defined as authority of God. Authority here is defined as "power." Thus, you are seeking God's power; that power is the same power given to you in the form of gifts.

  • Power of Healing,
  • Power of Counsel,
  • Power of Leadership
  • ... and so on, the list is endless.  

Everone has a gift which is needed. Just look around and see who is better at what, and that will tell you where their power lies.  

Now, go ye and seek out your gift and use it for the bettermeant of humankind, thereby fulfilling your purpose for being here.

Photo Credit : photo fiddler


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  • emmanuel87
    September 25, 2014

    I wish I knew my purpose... I don't know what I'm especially good at.

  • Coach Dr. Zelda Hayes
    Dr. Zelda Hayes
    February 25, 2015

    forgive me for just seeing this, the first way to find out what you are good at is to begin with listing what you enjoy doing, then list how good you are at it. This can open your mind to see many things you never realized.


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