Article Take the time to find peace in your day, and you will reap the benefits. 4 2014 Life coaching Spiritual coaching life coaching Lifecoachhub Pty Ltd LifeCoachHub
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Being at Peace with Yourself

TAGS: coaching, life coaching, business coaching, coach, life coach, self help, personal development being at peace, peaceful, peace, spiritual enlightenment, spiritual

A peaceful day...

I was at work one day and it was a peaceful day. My coworker called in sick, and all of the staff were out in the field except for one other staff member. I had the whole office to myself. That has not happened in a very long time. It was great, to be at peace without all the hustle and bustle of our everyday busy lives.

I usually never have any peace because once I leave work, I come home to my family and I have a beautiful baby girl who is only twenty two months old and an creative fun-loving twelve year old.

It doesn’t stop there, I have my oldest daughter and her baby all in my tiny apartment.

I’ve learned that you have to make do with what you have. I had to take a step back and focus on what it means to be at peace with yourself.  


What it means to be at peace with yourself

Being at peace with yourself is a challenging journey, something no one can actually explain. It is something you have to acquire all by yourself.

My definition for peace may be totally different from the rest of the world. My peace comes in different variations.

  • When I am on the train I get to read my favorite books, or listen to my Ipod and tune out from all the noise that goes on.
  • When I am at peace, I set myself up into a new realm. I am in a totally different place. I just whisk away all my worries. I love life and everything it has to offer.
  • When I am breastfeeding my daughter, I am at peace when I stare into her eyes because she is so beautiful. I think of my great grandmother because she lived to be 105 years old, I miss her laughter, her wisdom, her organization and her love for family.

Take a step back

One of my best friends says she has issues finding peace and I told her it’s within her. It’s not difficult, just challenging. Sometimes you just have to take a step back and dig deep inside your soul to figure what it is that you want for yourself. You have to focus on you and only you. You have to want to be calm or in a tranquil moment in order to have the peace you deserve.

SERENITY - the state or quality of being serene, calm, or tranquil

What brings you peace?

What is your definition of being at peace? What things make you feel peaceful, and what does that peace add to your life? Let me know in the comments below!

Photo Credit : Cbill


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  • Stephanie Archer
    September 25, 2014

    Hi Mae,

    Thank you for this!

    As I get older, I realize how important it is to channel peace into every part of my day through prayer, meditation, affirmations, yoga or simply deep breathing while waiting in line or in traffic. Peace is truly attainable because as you stated, it lies within.


    Stephanie Archer

  • Jamal Akbar
    September 25, 2014

    Serenity and peace believe it or not is one of the most important factors in a person life. You get to think, focus Thank You for posting this and I will share this with everyone I know especially those who are in desperate need of peace of mind.

    Continue doing what you are doing. You are a blessing to many.

    Jamal Akbar

  • missLusciousL
    September 26, 2014

    I wake up 5am each morning to mediate and start my day with peace. Thanks for the article Mae!

  • Karen Taylor Bass
    September 26, 2014

    Hi Mae,
    Congrats on this inspiring post. I tweeted it @prexpert. Much love, Mocha.


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