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The 5 Stages of Retirement

TAGS: coaching, life coaching, business coaching, coach, life coach, self help, personal development retirement coaching, stages of retirement

Stages of retirement

Like any process in life, retirement is a transition that occurs in stages. For some people, it happens very fast and easy, and for others it takes more time to adapt to it. If you’re planning to retire soon or you’re already on the path to retirement, learning the stages of this process can be a powerful tool to be prepared emotionally and mentally for the challenges that may lay ahead of you. Below you will find a list that summarizes each stage.

Stage 1 of retirement: The Agenda Stage

The the time has finally come to begin to plan your retirement. At this juncture, the idea of retirement is either daunting or welcomed with open arms.

How you think of retirement depends on how well you’ve prepared financially and how long have you been thinking about it.

Regardless of whether you’re prepared or not, at this stage is when you begin to sort out the details, educate yourself and make the decisions that will determine the next big step of your life.


Stage 2 of retirement: Time to say goodbye!

Time to say good-bye! You’re finally ready to leave your workplace and you couldn’t be happier. If you’ve had a good run, you might be sad you’re leaving your coworkers but overall, a chapter of your life ends and a new one begins, you can’t wait to see where it will take you.

This stage is full of wonder and curiosity.

Stage 3 of retirement: Retirement Heaven

That first day of not getting up to go to work, not worrying about calling in sick at the office will feel like a dream come true. When you’ve just retired, you will feel free, light and relaxed.

There’s no telling how long this stage will last but it is truly blissful.

Stage 4 of retirement: What’s next?

After a while, and especially if you didn’t plan for any activities or projects to take on during retirement, you will quickly fall into a disenchanted state where you’re wondering what happens next. Is this all your life will come down to?

Many begin to feel like their life is over. Clearly, retirement should be much more, but only if you prepare and plan it will be so.

Stage 5 of retirement: Adapt and explore

At this stage you learn to adapt to a new lifestyle that best fits your needs as a retiree.

You either find new ways to handle your time or you explore for options and possibilities to avoid feeling like your life is over and there’s nothing left for you to do.

This last stage is just as fulfilling as when you first retire because at this moment is when you decide and give your life, your time and existence a new purpose and reason to be.


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