Article Find out if walking is good for weight loss. Can it help you burn calories and complement your weight loss routine? 2 2013 Life coaching Health coaching life coaching Lifecoachhub Pty Ltd LifeCoachHub

Is Walking Good for Weight Loss?

TAGS: coaching, life coaching, business coaching, coach, life coach, self help, personal development health coaching, fitness coaching, walking, calories, weight-loss, fat burning, motivation

Walking can burn those calories one step at a time


Finding the time to exercise can sometimes be tough. As missed sessions start to add up, it can really dampen your motivation to keep getting in shape. When this motivation goes, the diet you've been watching is usually next to suffer, and this is where your hard earned progress starts to get reversed. 

Over the course of time I'll be giving you little exercise and nutritional tips to complement your efforts to seize the shape and health you desire.



Did you know that even before adding rigorous exercise into the shaping-up equation, walking can be a valuable ally? Now I know it sounds obvious, but sadly people these days often don't use the benefits of this activity.

Walking 10,000 brisk steps a day can, for the average person, burn a fantastic 440 calories – and this is before you even address exercise and diet. Adding these extra steps into your day can be done in many an effective way and here are some suggestions I have for you -

  • Why not embrace mother nature and walk to work? Alternatively you could try gradually reducing the amount of stops your bus drives past before you get off and walk the rest of the way to your destination. You could also add a weekend hike each week to your routine to take in those beautiful views and burn calories too.
  • Instead of using the elevator why not take the stairs? It will only slightly increase your journey time but all those steps really do add up.
  • Aim to walk the dog more often – it's great exercise for him or her, your body will thank you for it and it's a great way to unwind after a hard day at the office.
  • Walk the kids to school or walk to your local shop instead of driving. It's beneficial for both you and the kids and you may even feel better for reducing your carbon footprint.


These are just a few good ways to increase the amount of steps you take in a day. It should take the average person approximately 100 minutes to churn out 10,000 brisk steps and if you've implemented any of the above strategies into your daily routine it will take even less time.

A fantastic way to keep track of this is to purchase a pedometer – they're relatively cheap and they never lie. This should bring out that competitive streak and give you something to shoot for. For those a bit out of touch with walking, I would recommend building up gradually, perhaps increasing the target every week by say 500-1000 steps, until you reach the goal.  


10,000 steps, 7 days, and 3080 calories burnt - all before exercising more intensely and adjusting your diet.

The journey towards the health and shape you deserve starts with just one step!


What are you doing today to take that first step? Let me know in the comments below!

Check out my other articles about health and fitness:

Cheat Day Diet Tricks

The Negative Impacts of Weight Lifting Versus Bodyweight Training

Best Fat Loss Supplements for your Health Goals

Interval Sports Training

How to Find True Happiness in Life

Photo Credit : ind{yeah}


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  • Jenna B.
    May 16, 2013

    Excellent read. Walkin really is a great form of exercise. That's how I kick started my fitness regime- by not driving around so much. Instead of getting in my car everytime I need I go to the grocery store or dry cleaners, I just walk. Not only is it healthy, it's also great gettin some fresh air. I recommend you guys go on YouTube and search for "walking away the pounds".

  • Jerry Cinnamon
    May 25, 2013

    Hi Jenna. I'm glad you enjoyed the article. It's nice to hear from someone that's used this method to achieve progress. This is a fantastic way to start off, as you've said, and can certainly make that transition into regular, effective exercise more natural. I'd love to hear about your progress if you'd care to share this with me.


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