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What Is Spiritual Coaching Anyway?

What is Spiritual coaching?

Spiritual coaching is centered on people that fall into many categories. As a coach I can feel intuitively if a person is on a more spiritual path in their life when it comes to obtaining peace and happiness within. A client may ask for help with the following areas:

  • Life purpose
  • Soul path
  • Dream interpretation
  • Why they are stuck
  • Why they have everything and they are still not fulfilled
  • The spirit world and why they seem to be connected to it
  • Special gifts they don’t understand
  • Why they attract the same life patterns repetitively
  • Dealing with burdens from the past and moving forward
  • Controlling and re-programming their mind and thought world
  • Synchronicity
  • Angels
  • Spiritual Crisis Symptoms
  • Awakening Symptoms
  • The path to enlightenment and what does that mean
  • Understanding their personal energy and what it is attracting
  • Laws of the Universe
  • God/ Creator/ Source/ Universal Intelligence
  • Quantum Mind
  • Soul Contracts (why certain people are in their life)
  • ESP
  • Metaphysics
  • What is religion and why do I feel like there is something Bigger?
  • How to become consciously aware of everything (mind, body, soul)
  • How to still the mind
  • The fabric of reality
  • What is real and illusion?
  • How to live a positive life
  • How to be successful following my passion
  • How does the Law of Attraction Work?

New Age, Religion and our Spiritual selves

My personal experience has proven to me and those who were, and are still in my life, that the spirit world is real. There are universal laws that we all need to understand, there is an all knowing consciousness (God), and that we can access the universal mind of intelligence and extra-sensory perceptions.

This is not some weird, strange world that only “new agers” study. This philosophy has been around since ancient times, dating back as far as 2500 B.C. The new age movement just happens to be what our generation of people named the shift in people towards a more spiritual understanding of their journey on earth.

Religion is a way for people of many cultures to experience God in one way or another. But religion has also done something that turns many people away, which is that it is self-segregating and at times, legalistic or too indoctrinated. This puts people into a box of: do this or else…we are right and they are wrong, or learn this, memorize it and you will go to heaven.

Yes, how we should live our lives is important and understanding death and the hereafter is as well. In my own life, I grew up with the foundation of Christianity: accepting that Christ lives in me and made it possible through His incarnation on earth for me to not be condemned for my wrong-doings, but to learn, take accountability and try my best to live a life of integrity. As I grew I blossomed out of that one track mind to explore the bigger picture. This ultimately put me on a spiritual path or journey.

Is Christianity wrong or no longer my foundation? Of course not! It will always be how I came to understand the Christ consciousness as a little eight year old girl. But what experience of life did I really have to draw from at eight years old to understand GREATER MORE PROFOUND TRUTHS?  That is the journey I became of aware of as I entered into adulthood. Many questions needed answering, but not about the world around me…about myself (my inner self/ higher self).

There is a physical world with an invisible world all around it. This physical experience is only that…a physical “experience”. We are spirit, having a physical life where we learn, remember and evolve into powerful humans, capable of creating a life that pleases us, is filled with abundance in every way, and SERVES fellow humans in any way that we know how.

If you want to get more from your life, and are looking for concrete action steps to get you there, check out our Request a Coach page. It’s a “cut the fence-sitting and take action” way to tackle your issues and actually find success. To get off the fence and start to take action, click or tap here.

Connecting back to our own divine source, while living in limited bodies (in a 3 dimensional reality), is quite a struggle for many. The reason is that, the body (flesh) acts as an “avatar” to our spirit, and once we are incarnated into it, we forget that from where we came. Our conscious mind is our “human” mind, also known as the EGO. It DRIVES our avatars to do, think and act in certain ways. Most of the time, we are running on auto-pilot without any divine direction (because our ego blocks it out).

Our background programs and how they hurt us

The divine is always trying to inspire us and communicate with us through the wall of our avatar (physical body and ego). The reason why a big portion of the human population stays stagnated in a narrow-minded ways of thinking is that somewhere in their life history, they were taught (programmed) that a certain way is the only way and the right way.

Within this program we have background programs that are always running and tell us: we are bad if we do this…or we are successful if we follow this path…or if we do that we won’t be normal…or people may think you’re weird…or mom and dad may get mad… or I may get rejected if I follow that path…or in order to fit in you must be like people on television…and on and on and on!

With these programs always running we never know that it is possible to shut down the ego because we are trying to so hard to keep up with the demands of our mind (consciousness). It is usually when we have run ourselves into the ground that we look for another option, thus beginning the exploration into our behavior patterns, thoughts, feelings and truly wanting to understand how to be happy.

Your repairman: A spiritual life coach

Time has shown us that none of these programs are getting us anywhere. Instead just like a computer, with too many hidden programs running, it eventually gets so slow and non-responsive that we must call in the repair man: a spiritual life coach.

  • The repair man knows all about how computers work and tend to hold onto everything… good or bad, run programs for no reason, install programs by accident, install and run viruses that act and look like something good…but are not.
  • The repair man knows how to dig deep and find hidden programs, malware etc. He also knows how to get the computer back to its original state when first bought (birth).
  • Then the repair man gives the owner the equipment to install (anti-virus/anti-malware) or tactics to use (erasing cookies and cache) to keep it running at optimal speed and performance.
  • The user is then able to get back to whatever project they were working on, without frustration, anger, and stagnation. The user also remembers to always run scans (monitor thoughts, meditate, pray, re-program) of their computers hard drive to check for any sneaky programs and immediately erase them. His computer is no longer his enemy (ego), but the exceptional tool he originally purchased it to be (the divine manifesting in human form).

Hopefully this metaphor rings true, at least enough to give you a quick understanding of the bigger picture. Surprisingly, as much as the previous story was a metaphor, it is also REAL, and that is where things get FUN.

So allow me to join you on your spiritual journey, as I will hold it in reverence.  A wealth of information is awaiting you, intuitively (sub-conscious mind/ higher self), through research in many writings and through your personal repair man, ME, the coach.

Love and Blessings,

If you want to get more from your life, and are looking for concrete action steps to get you there, check out our Request a Coach page. It’s a “cut the fence-sitting and take action” way to tackle your issues and actually find success. To get off the fence and start to take action, click or tap here.

Sabrina McGrory

If you want to get more from your life, and are looking for concrete action steps to get you there, check out our Request a Coach page. It’s a “cut the fence-sitting and take action” way to tackle your issues and actually find success. To get off the fence and start to take action, click or tap here.

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Submitting your free consultation request is completely free with no obligation.

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