Staying within our established comfort zone can keep us stuck, and pushing our limits can change everything.
What Is The Cost Of Not Achieving Your Goal?
When you look at your life and evaluate what you have achieved and how good you feel about your situation, do you have any regrets? Are there opportunities that you feel you missed and would take next time around?
All too often we remain in situations we are not necessarily happy with because it seems like too much effort to make the changes needed. However, this is your life, and if you are living a mediocre existance, is that enough for you?
Is there something you have always wanted to do and have never tried? To help make this more real in your life try to visualize your dream into reality.
Exercise to help you visualize your dream into reality
Sit with your eyes closed and imagine your dream has been realised –
What does it feel like?
What does it look like?
How good do you feel about achieving this goal?
What would be different than your current situation?
What opportunities would be available from achieving this goal?
Does it feel exciting that you ‘did it’?
How motivated do you feel to achieve your goal now?
When you ‘feel into’ your vision you get an opportunity to see what works and change what may not work quite as well. It also stands to show you the contrast of where you are now and where you could be.
Now close you eyes and imagine the alternative –
How would you feel if you never achieved this goal or even tried to achieve it?
What would change in your life through not ‘going for it”?
How will you feel 5 years down the road when your life is still the same as it is now?
How motivated are you to change?
How a coach can help
Sometimes it can be daunting to take on a potential life changing goal on your own, and this is where a life coach is invaluable. As a coach I can help you move through any obstacles that appear to be in the way, evaluate and re-evaluate where you are in relation to your goal, support you through the whole process by epowering you to find your own answers, and offer a safe space to explore your dream and make it a reality.
Life is happening now, and for me it is too short to not make it the best it can be. Being complacent and existing rather than living is not a fulfilling or rewarding way of life. When we are brave and adventerous in life, it becomes magical and anything seems possible. Are you brave enough to break out of limitations and realise a more fulfilling life?