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Three Ways to Honor Yourself in 2014

Follow these simple steps to yourself this year

1. Learn to say no:

Someone very wise once said, “A no to you, is a yes to me.”  The more we can learn to say no to others, the more we can create the time we need to enjoy our lives more fully.  Perhaps it’s a planning committee that you’ve said yes to for the last 5 years and they are expecting that you will say yes again.  Is this still serving you and are you still enjoying being involved with this committee? 

Think about all the activities that you are involved with or volunteer for and ask yourself which ones do you really enjoy and which ones do you dread? If you have 6 or 7 activities then choose to eliminate the ones that if you could stop being involved with them, you would feel a huge weight lifted off your shoulders. 

You must commit to telling the person no before you decide to speak to them.  Tell yourself that you are saying no to them and there is no room for negotiation or compromise.  It’s as simple as saying, “I’m sorry but I cannot help out this year” or “I can no longer be involved with the committee.”  There is no need to elaborate or explain, simply state the words and pause and wait for the other person to respond.  

Once you have asserted that you can no longer commit to the time, you should feel a sense of relief; in fact it should feel exhilarating.  This is about you creating more space and enjoyment in your life for 2014.  Celebrate the fact that you said no and enjoy the extra time you have created for yourself, just be careful not to take that extra time and commit to another project!

2. One thing, one hour, one week

It’s time to have more fun in 2014.  The year 2014 is very spiritual because it adds up to the number 7, which is all about harmony and balance.  So make 2014 the year you find balance. 

This simple formula 1-1-1 (one thing, one hour, once a week) will make it so easy to add more fun to your life.  Pick an activity that you either really enjoy or something that you miss doing and want to add back into your life.  Perhaps it’s reading a novel, running, dancing, researching, starting your own business or writing. 

Simply pick one thing to add to your life and choose which day of the week you will do this activity and set aside one hour on that day.  Pick a day and time that is most likely to not interfere with your other commitments such as first thing in the morning on a Saturday or Sunday. 

Make this a priority and schedule it into your week.  Do not double book yourself during your “one thing, one hour, once a week time” and make it known to others that this is your time and you will not be putting it off or changing it for anything.  This time that you are setting aside for yourself is just one way to honor you in 2014 and perhaps start you on a path that you’ve always wanted to go down but could never seem to find the time.  Keep it simple with your 1-1-1 formula!

3. Trust yourself:

Isn’t it time for you to finally begin trusting yourself and stop listening to what others think you should be doing?  You are the expert on you, and only you can decide what to do and when and how to do it.  Our own internal intuition and knowing is greater than any outside force, we just have to learn to hear and feel it, and then of course trust it. 

In my experience, the best way to tap into this inner knowing is through sitting quietly for a few minutes and silencing the mind.  You may call it meditation if you like, but the idea is to quiet the mind long enough for the body to answer you. 

The more you practice this, the easier it becomes to “feel” the answers you are seeking. 

Sometimes discussing our problems with every friend and family member is not the best way to move beyond our issues; in fact, I would argue that this actually helps to keep our problems alive and growing. 

You may incorporate this into your own meditation routine by simply waiting until you have reached that quiet place and then ask your higher self your question and wait for your body to reveal the answer.  If you notice your mind trying to conjure up an answer, then you know this is not your truth and simply quiet the mind and ask again.  

As with anything, the more you practice this, the easier it becomes and you will notice how quickly you can move beyond a problem or stumbling block.  You have all the answers within you; it’s time for you to start believing yourself.

Celebrate you

Celebrate you in 2014 and make this the year that you honor yourself more and realize that by doing so, you actually make yourself more available and open to others.  The best way to honor another person is to honor you first. 

Happy Honoring!

In Peace, Love and Joy,

Heidi Doheny Jay, M.S.

Exercise Physiologist-Life and Wellness Coach

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