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Things I Wish I Knew Sooner: 13 Life Lessons For Soul’s Growth
Table of Contents
Toggle1. Important people come and go, and that is okay
Unfortunately, the most important people in your life can become strangers overnight.
Fortunately, total strangers can become the most important people in your life overnight.
This process hurts, but if accepted, it serves to improve the quality and suitability of the people in your life.
2. Your diet is not just what you eat
As you get older you realise that your diet is not just what you eat, it is also what you watch, what you read, who you follow and who you spend your time with.
So if your goal is to have a healthier mind, you have to start by removing all the junk from your diet.
3. Walk Away
Walk away from people who put you down. Walk away from fights that will never be resolved.
Walk away from trying to please people who will never see your worth.
The more you walk away from things that poison your soul, the healthier you will be.
4. Surround yourself with people smarter than you
Build connections
Smart people make you smarter. They make you better. They spark interest and introduce you to new:
- Ideas
- People
- Places
- Culture
- Concepts
You are as strong as your network. Set 100 mintues a day to learn social skills to help you connect.
Learn these communication skills:
- Listening
- Questioning
- Turn Taking
Build a skill, grow a social media account and sell your skill to your audience
Success requires good network to help you level up. They will help you grow in all aspects of life.
5. You have to let people down to be happy
You and your mental health are more important than your career, more money, other people’s opinions, that event you said you would attend, your partner’s mood and your family’s wishes.
If taking care of yourself means letting someone down, then let someone down.
Your self-love must always be stronger than your desire to be loved by others.
6. Settle and raise a family
Date more until you get the right fit.
Your marriage partner will be your greatest:
- Financial
- Physical
- Emotional decision
Marry a team player to help you grow not a soulmate who will make you suffer.
7. Never let rejection lead to self-rejection
A person who has experienced rejection fears rejection, and a person that fears rejection tends to push or run away before they can be rejected.
In their subconscious mind they have avoided rejection. In reality, they have been rejected again – this time by themselves.
Take more risks as you will either win or you will learn from the situation.
It is a real-life hack and will put you ahead in life.
8. Own your responsibilities, own your future
You’re not responsibile for your trauma but you are responsible for breaking the cycle and not hurting more people because of what happened to you.
You will never control your future if you let your present be controlled by your past.
What happened yesterday may not be your responsibility, but how you behave today is.
9. Quality over quantity
Life is about quality, not quantity.
One quality friend gives you more than 100 acquaintances.
One quality relationship gives you more than 100 flings.
One quality experience gives you more than 100 drunken nights.
10. Fairytales will make you unhappy
Obsessing over the things that society said you are supposed to do will kill your happiness.
Don’t listen to the fake fairytales of how your life is supposed to be going.
You don’t have to go to university at 18, or get a job at 21, or buy a house at 25, or get married at 30, or have kids at 35.
Do not get distracted by :
- Negative thoughts
- “The next best thing
- Other people’s opinions
Most importantly, do not let social media make you insecure.
People are not out there having fun all day The FOMO is an illusion. Most people spend 8 hours at work, 2 hours commuting, and 1 hour getting ready for work. EVERYDAY. There is no big party going on. DO NOT LET THEM FOOL YOU.
FInd your true purpose and mission in life. This will help you live life to the fullest and achieve your goals.
11. Fun is yours
If you want to enjoy your life, don’t subscribe to other people’s definition of “fun”.
Fun doesn’t have to mean drinking, partying and socialising.
Fun can be a night in alone, getting lost in a book, a deep conversation, a walk, creating art, playing music, or doing work that you love.
Your fun belongs to you, make sure you define it.
Everyone is different, and your path to happiness will be too.
12. Respond, but do not react
True power is sitting back and observing things with logic.
True power is restraint.
You will continue to suffer if you have an emotional reaction to everything that is said to you.
If words control you that means everyone else can control you. Breathe and allow things to pass.
13. Everybody is an addict
Some people are addicted to junk food, watching TV, sleeping in, social media and their bad habits in general which give them temporary happiness but never fulfillment.
Others are addicted to learning, exercising, pushing themselves, creating, planning and the high they get from the achievement and productivity which lead to fulfillment.
Which addiction you will choose?
If you like this article, book your FIRST FREE session today with me and be your best version to conquer the world.
Neha Uniyal Joshi
Life coach
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