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Taking time for yourself (while you seek out your dream job)

Taking time for yourself to recharge is especially important when you’re searching for your dream job!Do you want to arrive at an interview looking washed-out and tired? I thought not! Here are some tips to keep your energy up. Taking time for yourself is really important, especially when you’re on the hunt for your dream job!

Taking time for yourself step 1: Take breaks

Both while working on a job application and in-between applications, make sure you take five minutes off out of every 45 minutes you’re working. Don’t worry, you’ll work faster after your break and be more productive. Also, take least one day off each week.

Taking breaks will ensure you don’t give up and keeping putting up with that job you’re doing now.

Taking time for yourself step 2: Have Fun

Take time to have FUN! A nice meal with your partner, playing with the kids or your pets, a night out with the gals, watching comedy – whatever works for you.

Make sure to do this twice a week or more. These kinds of activities will keep your spirits up and help you see all the wonderful things you do have in your life, even if you haven’t yet secured your dream job.

Taking time for yourself step 3: The Book of Life

Get a nice notebook or an app on your smartphone, and every day write something that you’re good at, or something that you’ve achieved in your life.

It could be “got an interview”, “had an evening off with my partner”, “am kind to animals”, “passed my driving test”, or even things from your early childhood like “learned to talk”. This gives you  reminders every day of how successful you are – and that you have been for years.

Taking time for yourself step 4: “I like to move it, Move it”

Physical activity – whether it’s dancing, going to the gym, or taking a walk around the block – releases stress, allows you to have new ideas while you’re thinking about something else, and builds up your energy.

The UK government recommends getting really active three times a week. (If that feels too much, hey, once a week is better than nothing!)

Taking time for yourself step 5: Real relaxing

We often confuse “switching-off” with relaxing, so make sure you do some pure relaxation activities as well.

Yoga, visualisation, having a massage, meditation, slowing your breathing for 60 seconds – these are all examples of actual relaxation. They’ll reduce your stress and re-build your energy.

Well done!

With all this energy, you will be unstoppable, and your verve will be plain to see!

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