Find a Spiritual coach
What is a spiritual coach
A spiritual coach helps you embrace beliefs that add meaning to your life. The hectic go-go pressure of modern life leaves little space for spiritual practice. But a spiritual coach teaches you how to grow this space. With a spiritual coach you’ll discover your spiritual center. This will ground you and create an inner sanctuary. From there you’ll connect with your faith, see greater truths and transform your life into a joyful one.
What does a spiritual coach do?
How can a spiritual coach help me?
How much does a spiritual coach cost?

Spiritual Coach Directory

What does a spiritual coach do?
A spiritual coach listens to your spiritual concerns. The coach’s role is not to give answers but to help you connect with your beliefs. Through the process, the coach raises your self awareness about your feelings. You’ll find out if your beliefs are right for you or if you need to explore new ones.
Do I need a spiritual coach?
If you feel like you’re just going through the motions of life without caring, then a spiritual coach will enlighten you to a higher purpose. The lack of meaning you feel is a sign that you have let your spiritual side go cold. We are all spiritual beings. You’re supposed to be connected with this empowering part of life. A spiritual coach gives you the tools and focus to achieve a soulful life.
How can a spiritual coach help me?
Many benefits arise from working with a spiritual coach. The beliefs that best support your happiness will be discovered. You may find them in your current belief system or adopt new beliefs. The spiritual coach lets you focus on your deepest needs, so you can live each day with confidence and hope.
You’ll learn to put your spirituality into your daily life. It isn’t something that’s done once a week. With coaching you’ll attend to your spirit throughout each day. It’s called a spiritual practice for this reason. With each passing day you’ll gain a greater harmony of mind, body and spirit.
With coaching you can learn to quiet your mind. It is into this calm place that your personal spiritual answers will come. The coaching process is about learning to listen to yourself and be aware of your thoughts.
The serenity that comes from your growing spiritual life leads to uplifting thoughts. You’ll move away from judging others and develop yourself. With this inner peace and focus you gain the resilience and happiness that comes from living a spiritual life.

Five great reasons to hire a spiritual coach
- Your spiritual connection will wash away your stress. Spiritual living gives you the tools to deal with your problems and gain true perspective.
- Ethics will become a larger part of your life. Your decisions will benefit you and others more often when you see life from a spiritual level.
- You will become more compassionate with yourself. Because your spirit matters to you, you will take better care of yourself and live a healthier life.
- Angst, doubt and insecurity will lessen as you gain inner peace. With a coach you can create a practice that transforms your demons into angels.
- All traditional cultures include spiritual rites of passage for a reason. It’s because you’re supposed to develop your inner life.