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Every relationship has problems. Relationship issues are inevitable when two people, with two completely different personalities and perspectives, come together and combine their lives. These differences generally cause fights. So what do you do when you find yourself in conflict with your partner?
Common misconceptions
It’s common for us to blame the problems on our partner or assume that if we ignore the problem, then it will just go away on its own. By now, I’m sure you know that neither of these are true and will only lead to more problems down the road.
It can be difficult to take a good, long look in the mirror and really evaluate how we contributed to the problems in our relationship. But here’s the good news… If you break it, you can fix it.
During conflicts, we may be tempted to do the following:
Yell and scream at him/her when he/she is upset you
Get passive-aggressive and give the silent treatment
Withdraw completely until we no longer care about the person
Many times, we see these things as simply a natural reaction to something he/she did, without acknowledging that this is the very thing that contributed to the problem.
End the fight in a fun way
The best way to get out of conflict with your partner is to turn it upside down by being lighthearted about it. It is important not to always take things seriously and bring more fun when a problem arises.
What if you reacted differently? What if, instead of your usual way, you did something completely unexpected such as talking in a silly accent or playfully sticking your tongue out?
The outcome of your argument would be completely different because he/she isn’t expecting such a reaction out of you. When you can be playful, even when you’re upset with your partner, it changes the way you approach the problem. By doing so, you can come up with much better solutions together.