Find a Life Coach
What is a life coach
Not the same as a therapist. A life coach is a professional who can help you identify and overcome the obstacles keeping you from your desired life. They can aid you in finding the motivation to achieve that. The coach helps you choose your path toward fulfillment and well-being. The answers to your big questions are inside you. It’s the life coach who knows how to draw out your best decisions and your full potential. A life coach works with you to create a life that’s the best fit for you. The answers to your big questions are inside you. And it’s a life coach who knows how to draw out your best decisions. You’ll be empowered by coaching to reach for your dreams.
What does a life coach do?
How can a life coach help me?
How much does a life coach cost?

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What does a life coach do?
It’s quite overwhelming when thoughts like these come to you:
How should I live my life?
What is my purpose?
Why do I feel like I don’t have one?
They can make you question your whole life.
Since all of us are different in our own way, what people want will vary. So your goals will be very different from mine and everybody else’s.
A life coach talks to you about what you want to do. This is a much more enlightening process than someone simply telling you what to do. A life coach helps you set goals meaningful to you. Setting goals is only the first step. Taking action comes next.
The life coach enables you to build a plan. You’ll also explore with them any beliefs and feelings that may be holding you back.
(Instant) Accountability Buddy
Setting a specific goal is one thing. Following through (or not) with them is another. Are you capable of sticking to your goal, no matter how big or small?
Taking responsibility for your choices is a must but rarely observed constantly. Know where accountability works best? When it comes from an external source. A relative, a friend, or even better, from a life coach 😉
It’s basically a part of their job to hold clients accountable. Every coaching session with them serves as a check-in. Where are you currently at? How are you moving towards your goal?
They’ll offer you…
- Encouragement when you feel stagnant.
- Support when challenges prevent you from moving forward.
- Guidance throughout your journey to reach your goal.
- Tools and techniques like celebrating every win, setting reminders, and tracking progress.
Resist Procrastination
“I’ll do it later.”
How much of this statement do you voice out into the ether every day? Lost into the unknown and never to be seen, or rather acted upon.
How guilty are you of choosing temporary bliss over what will move you closer to your goal? No need to be ashamed, even I am not immune to that. People are wired to go with the option that isn’t uncomfortable.
It’s different with the help of a life coach. You can rewire that kind of decision-making into something entirely fruitful. You won’t hear the generic “Just do it.” A life coach knows that it takes more than just three words. It’s a cycle that involves the following (Burka &Yuen, 2008):
Precontemplation – the very first stage where you’re still in denial that change needs to happen
Contemplation – during the second stage, you think through whether you’re ready to take action
Preparation – you’re willing to try something new but still hesitant to commit to it fully
Action – as in you finally did something
What a life coach does is help reach the fourth stage at a much quicker pace. After all, it is through action that you get results. The first three, on the other hand, are you acting as a rope in a tug of war between your doubts and your capabilities.
Productivity Boost
It feels awful when a day goes by, and you aren’t able to accomplish anything of importance. And yet, this kind of day still happens.
A life coach helps you build the discipline to do your task even when you’re not feeling up to it. Especially so when you really (and defiantly) don’t want to do it. Forcing yourself to do things you’re not willing to do sounds like torture. But discipline breeds productivity.
Through life coaching, you’ll have more of those “my day didn’t run me; I ran my day.” Your coach can assist you in discovering what works for you, where your strengths lie, and what you need to accomplish.
Moreover, a life coach can help you maximize your productivity with three big ideas (Pozen, 2012):
1. Set goals with explicit priorities
2. Focus on the final results
3. Don’t sweat the small stuff
Effective Goal-Setting
Do you ever wonder just how some people have the drive, vision, and consistency to achieve their goals? It’s as if they know precisely what it is they need to do, where to go, and how to go about it.
That perhaps they’ve cracked this great mystery of how to lead a fulfilling life. And maybe they have. Only, there’s really nothing much to it. Just effective goal setting. And oh, perhaps a life coach by their side!
Enlisting the help of this professional can help you set SMART goals. You’ll also learn how to analyze them for their potential problems. Your life coach will ask you what could go wrong along the way. Then, you’ll need to figure out what actions to take to remove the problem altogether or at least minimize the consequences (Dobson & Wilson, 2008).
Remember that if you can set effective goals, the rewards you yield will and must be of value to you.
Work-Life Balance
Despite evidence pointing to the harmful effects of working long hours, many people still feel inclined to do so. You may have formed a bad habit around your career. I mean, how can you not when success is almost entirely linked to the number of hours you put in?
There’s also the widespread belief that your career measures your worth. A sad reality, isn’t it? It’s the conditioning we were all brought up in. Basically, you were told since you were young that identity is grounded on what your job will be as an adult.
What a life coach does, then, is help you realize that what you do is not who you are. If you enlist a professional, they can assist you in creating healthy working practices. You can manage your time better between the office and your personal life.
You’ll benefit greatly by having a sense of ownership of your time. This also includes avoiding bringing any work-related problems at home (Byrne, 2005).
Time Management
People’s perception of time is often negative. You may feel like the time you have in a day isn’t enough or that there’s only so much of it in your lifetime. However, this perception shouldn’t control your life.
Working with a life coach can help you realize that time may be limited, but it’s more than enough if you know how to manage it effectively. The secret (and the most crucial step) is planning.
Identify your priorities and allocate your best time to them (Mackenzie & Nickerson, 2009). When is the best time of day for you? Use that time to work on your number one priority. Your life coach can assist you in identifying what causes time losses in your life and help you manage or eliminate them permanently.
Organizational Skills
This next point is closely related to time management. It’s likely that if you’re having trouble with one, you’re also struggling with the other.
Order is what you want, and yet it’s the very thing that eludes you. No need for self-pity. Disorganization is very common in anyone’s life. After all, life throws all kinds of stuff your way constantly.
When you undergo life coaching, you’ll discover the reasons behind the chaos. Not only will your life coach introduce organization, they’ll also provide techniques on how to keep your life that way. So, whether what you have is tangible clutter or not, you’ll finally have a space that nurtures and offers growth.
Stress Management
Stress can be caused by a lot of things. When you find yourself in a situation that requires more resources than are available to you, it can be stressful (Greenberg, 2017). Even your attitude toward certain situations can dictate how much stress you experience. It can also be caused by a lack of emotional support readily available to you.
When things are not going your way, or you’re feeling overwhelmed, how do you manage and cope with the stress? A life coach can help with that.
Do I need a life coach?
What do we, mere humans, crave most when we find ourselves lost?
Direction. Answers. Guidance.
These are things that elude us when we’re too busy panicking or worrying about our situation. Quite understandable, actually. It’s relatively difficult to think of actionable solutions during that state.
So, what then? Well, I firmly believe that you’d benefit significantly from a life coach. They’re just the people you need to guide you out of whatever life predicament you’re in.
Typically, a life coach helps people in all areas of their life. It may be on a personal level, where you work on building confidence. Or it can be professionally, where you get assistance in transitioning from one career to another.
If you feel like your life is not going the way you want it to, it’s time to make a new plan. A life coach offers valuable help as you take stock and set new goals. You’ll gain tremendous insights about yourself after talking with a professional. Coaching is your opportunity to begin seizing each day and nurturing a healthy and happy future.
Simply put, you need a life coach when you’re finally prioritizing personal improvement. They can offer you a level of support that you alone can’t give yourself. Having a professional guide can increase (and hasten) the likelihood of achieving your goals.
How can a life coach help me?
In a lot of ways. Many people seek out life coaches to help them turn their dreams into reality. Because who wouldn’t want a more meaningful and happier life?
Here are some of the things that they can help you with:
Unlocking your full potential
Why is it that other people see our potential better than we see it for ourselves? Life can be funny that way, huh?
As Tony Robbins says, our beliefs have the power to create. At the same time, they also have the power to destroy. Your belief in yourself is the very first step in unlocking your potential.
A life coach can be helpful in this regard. They’re capable of helping you to believe in yourself. This includes eliminating the negative thinking you have.
Lack the confidence to chase after what you want? A life coach can guide you in changing that narrative. They’ll enlighten you on how the law of attraction will bring you the success you so desire.
Working with a life coach gives you greater confidence and motivation to reach your goals. With life coaching, you can set your life on a course that fulfills you. The self-development and empowerment that come from life coaching give you tools that support you for many years to come
A life coach gives you the gift of taking charge of your development. Your dreams will be at the center of everything you do.
Eliminating perceived fear and doubts
Failure? Not being good enough?
Is that what you’re afraid of?
Imagine being so paralyzed because of your fear that you’d rather not do anything at all. Where’s the growth? How will you achieve your goal if you don’t start?
Your life coach can clear up the fogginess. The fears you have can’t hurt you.
Okay, they can. But only if you let them win by being passive. A life coach will help you understand how your avoidance of the uncomfortable is the thing keeping you from the life you want.
Growth. Learning. Exploration. Focus on these. Any perceived fears or doubts have nothing on those three.
With a life coach, you’ll explore the labels you put on yourself. Maybe you’re limiting what you believe you can do. You’ll learn to deal with negative thoughts instead of letting them hold you back. Talking with a life coach opens you up to new possibilities.
Quashing procrastination
The unshakeable enemy.
And time? The opponent you want to outwit, outmaneuver, or outlive (Burka & Yuen, 2007). There’s always this complicated relationship with time. Seeing time in this light is hurtful to you. You’re deliberately fueling more procrastination.
You’re prone to over or underestimating how much time you’ll have to do what needs to be done.
But with a life coach by your side, you’ll have the best support system in dealing with procrastination. Not only will they serve as an accountability buddy, but they’ll also help you in removing all the impediments to your progress.
As you go after new goals, a life coach keeps you focused. This prevents procrastination, so you stay motivated. Getting to the life you want takes effort. With a life coach, you’ll get valuable support to make the best choices.
You’re looking at three categories when it comes to pricing.
Hourly Coaching
You’ll be charged an hourly rate for this one. You pay your life coach for each hour or session that the two of you meet.
This option is best if you only need a couple of coaching sessions to achieve your goal. It gives you the flexibility to see your coach when only necessary. But your coach might require a minimum number of sessions. Say, at least three or five.
Typically, hourly rates range from $50 to a few hundred dollars.
Monthly Coaching
Instead of the hourly payment mentioned above, you’ll pay your coach a monthly fee, or purchase a 3 or 6 month coaching package. Obviously, this entails paying more. But this doesn’t mean that it’s more expensive.
It’s a good idea to opt for the monthly package if you’re looking at more than just a couple of sessions as it turns out to be a better deal.
You’re looking at $500 up to a couple of thousand dollars when you choose coaching on a monthly basis. Plus, most coaches will also throw in other incentives to the monthly package. They may include email support aside from the sessions, discounts on seminars and workshops, group sessions, and many more.
Long-term Coaching
Long term coaching can cost $2000 and up because of its length, usually from six months up to two years.
Long term coaching might seem overpriced and a luxury in itself, but it isn’t. In comparison to hourly coaching and monthly packages, long-term packages tend to have longer sessions and more incentives.
The better question might be, “Is coaching worth it?” If you’re dedicated to achieving your goals or changing your life for the best, then absolutely. The price you’ll pay for your life coach is nothing compared to the future awaiting you.
Five great reasons to hire a life coach
Honestly, you don’t need five reasons. You only need one to hire a life coach. The ultimate one, which Life Coach Hub will tell you through a question.
Are you serious about changing your life for the better?
Because if you truly are, what other reason could trump this? It already encompasses everything.
But hey, a promise is a promise. And here at Life Coach Hub, we always deliver. You can even check out everything you need to know about life coaching using our guide.
- Navigating change, uncertainty, and the unknown.
Let’s start with the generic “guiding light in a dark tunnel” analogy. As clichéd and overused as it is, it’s very fitting for life coaches.
Everyone is going at it blindly. But it doesn’t hurt to ask for a helping hand to make it easier. A life coach can be that and so much more.
Your “I don’t know” doesn’t have to be threatening. With your life coach, you can turn them into powerful and life-changing words. With life coaching, you’ll gain the clarity and confidence to embrace change. Never again shall you let fear deter you from living the life that you want.
- Achieving Goals
Obviously enough, succeeding in what you set out to do is a great reason to hire a life coach. Not that not having a professional won’t allow you to achieve your goals, but having one can increase the likelihood of it happening.
More quickly, sustainably, and not as dauntingly, might I add. This is because they have the tools to make that happen. The very same tools that you’re probably not equipped with.
These may be in the form of proper questioning. Your life coach knows which questions to ask to push you toward your goals. You, on the other hand, already have the answer. The problem lies in your inability to see it. Powerful questions posed by a life coach can change that.
- Self-Awareness = Self-Improvement
Before you can even begin to think about personal improvement, you have to be aware of what problems need fixing.
A negative mindset? Lack of confidence? Always feeling directionless?
No worries. A life coach got you. They’ll help you see your destructive patterns and eventually break free of them. Once you’re able to convert these into healthy ones, your behaviors will follow suit.
Having a life coach increases your awareness more because of their constant feedback on your progress. The more you attend life coaching sessions, the more you’ll see certain situations in a rational and objective manner.
If before you’d go on a verbal killing spree as soon as things didn’t go your way, you’ll now have a calmer approach.
Self-improvement is ultimately about realizing all of your aspirations and dreams in life.
- Developing a Growth Mindset
It’s not that you suck at something. It’s that you’re not quite there just yet. You may have been ignoring an essential fact. How you think of yourself and your capabilities highly influences every aspect of your life.
Going on about your life thinking that you aren’t destined for something great because you’re not “gifted” is dumb. There, I said it. And I’m not apologizing for using that word. Working with a life coach will make you realize that.
Skills, talents? They can be developed through effort. By doing the work. By showing up every day despite making mistakes. By using the right strategies and guidance from others (yup, a life coach).
That’s the beauty of not having every skill innate. You get to experience the thrill of learning it and honing it.
- Becoming Resilient
When the going gets tough…
You need to be tougher. That’s basically what becoming resilient is all about.
When things go wrong, and they will go wrong, it’s important not to let them bring you down. Head held high, standing firm, even if you’re insanely scared on the inside.
Together with your life coach, you’ll be able to see past problems and prevent too much stress from surfacing. This doesn’t mean you won’t feel anger, pain, or any other emotion. You’ll just be able to continue functioning.
Your coach will help you draw from past experiences. The strategies you use can be developed to equip you through difficult times better. That also entails looking forward to the future you desire. You’ll view changes as new challenges and welcome them without the anxiety factor.
How does life coaching work?
So now you’ve decided you need a coach. Great first step! But how, you may wonder, does life coach work exactly?
Basically, your life coach asks the questions, and you answer them as honestly as possible. Sessions are typically done over the phone. This way, you can receive coaching whenever and wherever.
Before the actual coaching, you’ll first complete a coaching plan. This will include accomplishments and challenges of the previous week. Along with those, you’ll let your coach know your priorities for the next session.
During your coaching session, you will discuss the progress you’re making and what still needs accomplishing. Also, your coach will help with whatever you need coaching for the day. With their perspective and input, you’ll be able to see things in a new light.
Once things are out there in the open and you have a clearer grasp of the obstacles you’re facing, it’s time to make an action plan. From here, you and your coach will discuss what’s in store for you the following week.
After your session, you’ll create a follow-up. This will summarize what you talked about and agreed to. By doing so, you’ll have the motivation to work towards your goal. There’s even a sense of accountability in there as well.
What are some other niche areas of coaching?
Coaching encompasses a lot of areas, but the goal is the same: to motivate people and help them become the best versions of themselves.
Choosing the right coach depends on your personal goals, current situation, and the level of support you need.
Here are some niche areas of coaching worth looking into:
- Fitness and wellness coaching
The most obvious proof that you’re healthy is your physical state. You probably even made some New Year’s resolutions about your health. Or, you have been diagnosed with an ailment that forces you to leave the unhealthy eating habits behind.
Choosing to live a healthy lifestyle is a requirement for any of us. It shouldn’t only be triggered by another year approaching or a life-threatening disease. It would help if you took the initiative from the get-go.
A life coach can help you in accessing the insight and resources you’ll need to make good choices for your well-being. After all, these will help you in fostering a healthy lifestyle. As a matter of fact, coaching is considered a supplemental method for improving the outcome of diabetes treatment (Ammentorp et al., 2013).
- Relationship coaching
No matter how much you want to have the healthiest of relationships with people, there will still be a few toxic ones.
Having good relationships can give you a sense of purpose and belonging. Not only that, affection is like medicine that influences your mental health as well (Atoe, 2023).
Your healthy relationships also factor in when it comes to happiness and stress levels. Where’d you think the saying “Happy wife, happy life” came from? This sentiment does not only apply to romantic involvement, mind you. Healthy relationships encompass every bond you form with people. May they be familial ties, friendships, or work relationships, maintaining a solid connection is crucial for your overall well-being.
A life coach is also dependable in this aspect of your life. They can help you communicate better with people. All the while, your life coach will guide you in staying true to your values and beliefs.
You’ll even come to terms with a certain fact: that while others provide some form of satisfaction, they can’t offer you your every need. Adopting healthy relationships means being your own person still.
- Spiritual Coaching
It’s an appeasing thought to believe that there is a higher power beyond ourselves. There’s this sense of belonging. That somehow, in the vastness of life, we’re a part of something bigger beyond our comprehension.
Through life coaching, you can strengthen your faith and your spirituality. It is in this power that people put their trust in when things go awry. Spirituality, as many people has come to know it, has been a guiding force when coping with change.
With a life coach, you’ll be able to manage the things causing stress in your life. Alongside this, you’ll also experience healing from past traumas and mistakes.
I bet you’re wondering if spirituality is the same as religion. It isn’t. As already mentioned, spirituality is the recognition, that connection to something grand. And it is in that connection that you can find meaning and appreciation towards everything in your life.
- Career Coaching
Unhappy with your current job? A life coach would be a great person to have by your side.
You’ll need this professional to help you find the career that you love. This includes how you can grow professionally and excel in whatever it is you want to do.
Moreover, a life coach can aid you in adopting the proper mindset for your chosen career path. After you figure that part out, you and your coach will work together in setting actionable steps to achieve that dream job.
From curating the best resume to answering interview questions exceptionally, you’ll get all the help you’ll possibly need.
As you continuously work with a life coach, you’ll learn to develop your abilities of using self-knowledge and career information. From here, you’ll be able to solve career problems and make decisions wisely (Reardon et al., 1991).
- Financial Coaching
Truth be told, managing our finances is more than just tricky. It’s also like a ticking time bomb that will blow up in our faces when done carelessly. If you think about it, your financial well-being isn’t just about money.
Included in the mix are your emotions, past experiences in handling it, and of course, education. With all of these on the line, you may feel the pressure to make the right choices—all the time. So when you do lose track and find yourself out of control with your money, you can find help from a life coach. Part of these professionals’ job is to assist you in developing your money management skills.
Let’s be clear, though, about one thing first.
They won’t solve your financial problems for you. But will help you figure it all out. They can keep you accountable to ensure you won’t go wild when hard-earned cash comes your way. The appeal to abide by a lavish and flamboyant lifestyle is all too tempting, after all.
Do keep in mind that your money management approach is critical for you to obtain financial freedom (Rahman & Sundarasen, 2017).
- Retirement Coaching
You’ve worked your whole life, and the time to leave it all behind is fast approaching. What’s the plan? I’m not pressuring you or anything, because this should be a time for you to be happy. But that won’t be the case if you’re not prepared for this major transition in your life. Yes, preparation is key to enjoying this stage.
Just think about all the things you’ve been dreaming of doing, but didn’t have the time for. There are a lot of activities on your to-do list. Not having a proper plan for tackling each of them will result in you wasting your twilight years.
But hey, that’s what a life coach is here for. They can help you set a course of action for your plans. Not only that, but since this transition won’t be an easy one, a life coach can also aid you in making it as seamless as possible.
Having one entails acquiring a support system that will help you allocate both your time and money properly. A life coach can even help you work through conflicting emotions you may have.
- Business Coaching
Not everyone is meant to work an 8-5 job. Some people are more inclined to manage their own business. However, running a business can be twice as stressful and may feel like a solitary endeavor. After all, you are your own boss and there won’t be any higher-ups to guide you when you don’t know what to do.
But there is someone who can help you navigate the ins and outs of your business: a professional life coach. A life coach’s job is to assist you in actualizing your vision and achieving your business goals. Once you’ve set a goal, they’ll help you come up with strategies to ensure your success. Even when challenges arise (and trust me, they will), your life coach will be by your side to help you overcome them.
- Team Building Coaching
Being part of a team can be challenging. You have to work with people who have differing opinions, personalities, and quirks. It’s not like doing things on your own, not that I’m saying it’s any easier to go solo. Working in a team can be complicated. Harmony is fragile and requires effort from each member.
As the team leader, it’s your responsibility to keep the team motivated. It’s up to you to use each person’s skillset to achieve the team’s goals. Balancing all of these while ensuring the team’s efficiency can be a daunting task.
Fortunately, a life coach can make this easier for you. They can help you shift your focus from simply completing tasks to empowering everyone on the team.
With the help of a life coach, you and your team will better recognize and solve problems, and productivity levels will increase. Overall, you’ll have a cooperative team working towards a common goal.
- Leadership Coaching
Attaining a position of authority can feel amazing. You’ve finally been promoted. Your hard work is paying off.
But with that flashing new job title is the added workload. From here on out, you’ll also need to manage people. This will require leadership skills, which you might need help with. And let me tell you now. There’s no shame in that.
Your focus shouldn’t solely be on making a profit. It should also include creating a safe environment where the people you handle trust you. Clearly communicating your expectations and what needs to be done can make or break you as a leader.
A life coach will help you figure out how to set fairness in your workplace. Once you manage establishing a healthy working environment, your team will experience more productivity. There also goes the possibility of people talking behind your back.
Questions a life coach might ask you
Life is brimming with questions. And as it happens, transitional coaching is too. You’ll be aware of the questions that you don’t personally ask yourself. Therefore, you’ll see more possibilities and courses of action for you to take.
Some of the questions your life coach will ask you includes the following:
- How do you usually handle change?
- What coping mechanisms or strategies work well and don’t?
- What is prompting this kind of transition in your life?
- What are the factors that are making you consider such a transition?
- What are your fears about this transition?
- What obstacles do you think you’ll encounter?
- How do you plan on addressing the difficulties of this transition?
- What are your experiences, skills, and strengths that can help you during the transition?
- What current values do you want to uphold during the transition?
- What are the things and steps you’ve already taken in preparation for your transition?
- What support system do you have in place to assist you in this transition?
- How can we work together to expand your resources to accommodate you in your journey better?
- How committed are you to this transition?
- How do you think the transition will benefit you personally?
- Who will be most affected when you make the transition?
- What do you hope to achieve after the transition?
- What are the possible alternatives that you can do to avoid the transition?
- How do you think this change will impact you and those closest to you?
- How will you prepare for this kind of transition?
- What can you control about the situation you’re in?
Now what? How to find a life coach near me
Ready for your next transition? Choose a life coach from our selection of qualified coaches above or submit a coaching request for us to match you to your ideal coach.