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I Have a Degree and Can’t Find a Job: Tips to Create a Personal Brand

Tips to create a personal brand

Have a degree but can’t find a job?

At a time where we are always trying to encourage our children to be the best they can be, and everyone gets a medal, why don’t we give enough support for the biggest step of all: the transition from college to the real world?

My path to college degree

I was raised in a family with parents who loved me and showed me this daily. They were both professionals with college degrees and would instill in me great ability to seek out knowledge for my own benefit rather than to simply write a paper. I never grew up feeling that college was something HAD to do, rather I grew up feeling why not? Both my parents went to college…so why on Earth wouldn’t I?

Thanks to a great small town where I started college I was able to “experience” college life and allow me to do what most people do… learn to party and skip classes. But after a “short” six years I finally finished my Bachelors in Psychology. I was 25 and had to face the new world ahead of me. I had to find a JOB!!!

What I noticed after landing that first job

Things felt right in the world. It was 2006 and I was confident I could find my new Big Girl job and start my career. I landed a job almost right away. I was blessed to work for another University and was surrounded by people who were well educated and very diverse in their backgrounds. The company culture was motivating and had great upward mobility.

The biggest impact this company provided me was their goal to provide employees with great professional development opportunities. They invested in their employees and wanted to see them happy. This encouraged me to be a life long learner.

I finished my Masters degree and two coaching certifications because education never stops. After working in Higher Education for over 8 years I have seen so many people take steps towards changing their lives and achieving their goal of getting a college degree.

What I noticed was the lack of realistic preparations these people had for the post graduate transition into working in their field.

Do you have a plan for the transition from getting a degree to finding a job

As a Life Empowerment Coach, I feel it’s so important to have a plan for what to do upon graduation. I find too many people these days aren’t sure how to take their next steps towards their career goals.

This applies in many areas including how to manage loan debt, writing a CV or resume that will stand out, how to network, how to create a LinkedIn profile, and so much more.

While universities provide career services, most students don’t take advantage of them and many are minimal in what they can provide.

Creating a personal brand is essential. It is just as important as a business creating a brand. 

Keys to creating a personal brand for landing your first job after degree

A personal brand gives new graduates a well-rounded and authentic presentation of who they are and what they can do. Here are some keys to creating your own personal brand. 

  • Always be authentic
  • Dress for the job just above you (not the CEO)
  • Create and build a network (this will serve you well during and in between jobs)
  • Mind and always be aware of Social Media profiles (trust me employers check)
  • Take the time to have a professional help you create your CV or resume (you will be happy you did)
  • Never stop learning (outside professional development helps in networking and proving you are goal oriented, and self-motivated)
  • Be assertive and confident (this energy attracts good people and good things in your life)
  • Be fearless

What plans do you have after college? Have you already graduated and are you wondering what to do next? Let me know in the comments below!

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