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How to Get Your Point Across

By keeping all of your thoughts in order, you will be able to get your point across in a more efficient manner.There is a lot that goes into being a good communicator. Being able to concisely express yourself and having the ability to easily get your point across is an important element. These coaching tips will help you to be well understood, quickly and more often.

Know who you’re talking to

Being an effective and concise communicator can be your biggest asset in many arenas. This means that if you are an ineffective communicator, that could be your greatest weakness. Communication skills are valued in pretty much every work environment, and being a good communicator can be a blessing for your personal and professional relationships.

Different people communicate in different ways with different people. You should probably speak differently to your boss than you would to your spouse, and your communication with your parents should be different from the way you speak to a store clerk.

At the same time, different individuals are receptive to different modalities and have different interests. Some folks are more into the visual, and some are more into the physical.

This sounds complicated but it’s really not. Just pay attention to who you are talking to and tailor your message to them. If you are talking to your boss who loves golf, you might want to be sure to speak with a certain amount of formality and respect, and if you need a metaphor, you may want to use one pertaining to golfing to gain interest.  When you are talking to this boss, you might not want to use slang and relate the account you are working on to a game of bridge.

Get to the point

If you want to get your point across, it helps if you get to the point. If you beat around the bush or talk all around your message without actually getting it out, don’t expect for your message to be heard. If you ramble on before saying what you actually want to say, don’t be surprised if your audience is not receptive, and might even have stopped listening.

People often have trouble getting their message across because their audience doesn’t know what the point is. You don’t want to over-talk. You risk your message getting lost in the tangle of other things you said. You risk your audience tuning out before you manage to actually get it all out.

Don’t just blurt things out. Some things do need a preface or a bit of explanation before you go forward, but just do your best not to overdo it.


Anyone can be an effective communicator. It just takes a bit of practice and a bit of poise. If you wish to get your message heard, you have to make sure that you get to the point without losing or confusing your audience by over-talking before you get there. You also need to be sure, in any situation, that you speak appropriately and respectfully to your audience in order to be sure that not only do they hear and understand you, but that they actually want to listen.

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