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Homework Really Helps in Coaching

Just like in high school, homework can help your clients understand the points you are trying to make in a clearer manner.

When people reminisce about what they liked the most in school, no one wistfully remembers the homework. Despite how unloved homework is by students, teachers continue to assign it because it helps. Homework, and making learning continue outside of the classroom, is an absolute necessity to assist students in developing more fully.

The same thing applies to any self development endeavor. In fact, you can significantly help your coaching clients achieve success by giving them homework assignments on a regular basis, and here are the reasons why.

Benefits of homework

Teachers give out assignments because homework is highly beneficial in many ways. These benefits don’t only extend to kids in school; your coaching clients will be helped by homework as well. The following are just a few benefits of homework that you and your clients will enjoy:

  • Homework helps your clients learn to think about and work through their issues and goals independently.
  • Homework shows your clients that they need to take responsibility for their own growth, development and evolution.
  • Assigning homework to your clients will allow you to seen how well coaching strategies are being understood and applied.
  • Homework assignments give your clients further opportunity to review your coaching, and this can lead to retaining more take-aways from your coaching.
  • Homework helps your clients to realize that sometimes they must do things that are either difficult or things that they do not want to do. This lesson can easily translate to other areas of their lives.

Homework assignment ideas

As you have seen, there are many benefits of homework. Assignments for your clients should be a vital part of your coaching. However, if you don’t know what to assign, you may be reluctant to incorporate this vital tool into your work with your clients.

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There are many helpful assignments you could assign, and the following homework assignment ideas are just a sampling of assignments you could try. Depending on what areas you are coaching your clients on, some homework assignment ideas may be more helpful than others. Use your discretion to pick the ones that are right for you and your clients, and tailor them so that they are perfect for your coaching style and the topic being addressed.

  • Journaling is a must. This homework assignment idea can help your clients to work through issues, track their progress, identify additional areas for improvement, and so much more. By assigning regular journaling, not only will you be able to see how your clients are changing, they will be able to see how beneficial your coaching and assignments have been.
  • Creating collages or dream boards can be very beneficial. Many people are visual learners, so creating visual representations of what they want can help them to learn and focus. When clients are able to create an image with their dreams, goals, and ideals, they are able to get a better idea of what they really want and need and what they are working for.
  • Outside reading can be helpful as homework. By assigning reading outside of your other coaching, you can give your clients a better understanding of concepts and tools you are trying to give your clients access to.
  • Quizzes and worksheets may remind your students of their school days, but these can be very beneficial as homework. By asking your clients to answer questions on their own time, you are able to gauge how well they are picking up on the skills you have been working with them to achieve. Additionally, they will need to do research and go over their coaching notes to become better acquainted with any material they may have missed for one reason or another.


Homework is essential to your coaching. The benefits of homework are so bountiful, if you don’t give assignments, you are depriving your clients from getting the most from your coaching. Hopefully these assignment ideas offered can assist you in developing assignments that compliment your coaching and let your clients thrive and develop even more.

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