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Five Dating Red Flags

Is there a red flag in your relationship?

When the relationship is all said and done and you look back reflect back over it, you notice there were some things that you should have caught. There is probably a moment where you are mad at yourself wondering why you didn’t catch it, or what exactly were you thinking.

Dating red flags are sort of hard to point out especially when you are working so hard to make it work. How will you know the next time you find yourself there? Here are five ways to tell that a red flag has been thrown.

Dating red flag 1. Does it seem like you are doing all the work?

You make all the plans and he just follows them. He has met all of your friends and family members. You know but one of his friends, if even that. You don’t mind opening up to him about your feelings – after all, that’s what couples do. You find it hard for him to open up to you and when you ask questions he seems irritated and closed off. 

There is no real interest because if he was interested you wouldn’t have to put in extra work to get him involved in a relationship that he is in.

Dating red flag 2. Has he ever dated you outside of your living room or bedroom?

Ladies, let’s be clear. Of course he can make being at home romantic, but has he ever taken romance outside of the house? It’s okay if he is romancing you from the comfort of your home. But there is so much more to dating than that. 

He should be making plans to take you out and discover what you like to do. Find new things to do with each other; he should be more than willing to create new memories with you.

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Dating red flag 3. How does he react during an argument?

You can always tell if he is interested by the way he handles an argument. Keep in mind that no relationship is perfect and there will be disagreements. However the first thing he should want to do is try to work through it. Relationships have their moments; those moments should make the both of you stronger. 

If he tries to leave or just blurts out he doesn’t want to talk about it, that is a red flag. Hopefully at this point in our lives we are beyond just being in a relationship for the moment. We should be looking for long term relationships. This sort of behavior does not work in long term relationships.

Dating red flag 4. Does he blame others for his problems?

No matter what happens to him, it is never his fault. When he talks to you about his problems, all he does is complain and place the blame on others. He goes the extra step to make others look bad so that he can look good, tainting your perception of those around him because you only have his word to go on. No one else is to blame for his issues but him.

Dating red flag 5. Does he often speak of his ex?

Telling you what happened between him and his ex should be a one time deal. It should be the answer to the question you ask “What happened?” or “Why are you single?”  If you continuously hear of her then that is a red flag. 

You may ask “If he wasn’t over her then why would he start a relationship with me”? It’s because he wants to be loved and move on but his heart won’t allow him to. Be the bigger person and allow him to heal and get over her so that he can be the best for you or whoever he ends up with.


Red flags are hard to see during a relationship, it’s only after the fact that we are able to notice them. There is always a lesson we should get out of a failed relationship. so take it as just that a lesson that has been learned.


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