Hey, I’m a coach!

Victoria Sims

Integrative Wellness and Life Coach

, United States
from $50.00 USD to $250.00 USD

Coaching areas I specialize in

About Me

Certified Nutrition Coach, certified Personal Trainer, Certified Integrative Wellness and Life Coach. Those are all just titles. Who am I? Someone who has been right where you are. Someone who has fallen down many times, someone who has felt stuck, someone who has needed to remember to love herself, someone who has been out of shape, someone who has survived bad relationships, someone who has given up. Any of these sound like you? I've been there and that is why I can help. 

I grew up in Wyoming and moved to California six years ago. This is where my self love journey began. I found myself alone after a breakup. I had no family and not a very large social circle. I took this time to truly learn about myself. I learned to love myself. I found interest and passions I didn't know I had. I want others to feel this too. 

I also have a degree in social work and have worked as a preschool teacher for several years. My likes include going to the beach, reading, hiking, exercise, wine and beer, exploring new things and foods, cooking, and writing. I hope to help you find passions you love and set new goals for yourself. 

Coaching with me

How I like to coach

I like to coach by listening. I want it to be teamwork. You are more likely to stick to something if you get to put in input as well. It will be a lot of trail and error. We want to find what works for you. 


Please feel free to visit my shop to see the details of my offerings.


I offer life coaching, self love coaching, fitness coaching, and nutrition coaching. Start with one, or find a package that caters to all of your needs. I truly believe they all go hand in hand. 

Experience, Certifications & Training

Certifications and Degrees

  • Integrative Wellness and Life Coach
  • Personal Trainer
  • Nutrition Coach
  • Corrective Exercise Specialist

Fee description

Fees: from $50.00 USD to $250.00 USD

Individual focus areas start at $50 per month. An all inclusive package will be $250 per month. Prices vary depending on how many times you would like to meet and/or video chat a month. I am confident we can find something to meet your needs and price range. 

Submitting your free consultation request is completely free with no obligation.

Submitting your free consultation request is completely free with no obligation.

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