Solona Murphy
Certified Life Coach
Coaching areas I specialize in
About Me
I am a Certified Life Coach. I offer Life counseling by defeating negative thoughts and limited cognitive beliefs. I will begin with helping you to determine the ideal balance for your life. Health, Work, Social, Development, Recreation, Family and Life Planning. People, everyday, pass through various life stages that affect their career decision making. I will help to identify your life career changes as far as Growth, Exploration, Establishment, Maintenance and the Decline. Life roles are what everyone plays at some point throughout their lifetime. A few roles include Child, Student, lesurite, critizen, spouse, parent, home-maker, worker and pensioner. Find a better balance in your life through your current situation to help you to think through what you want to change in your life to help you achieve your goal.
Experience, Certifications & Training
Certifications and Degrees
- Certified Life Coach
Professional and life experience
I am a certified professional life coach. I have a business owner background in retail , real estate investing and finance lending.Fee description
Fees: from $100.00 USD to $160.00 USDHourly Session