Hey, I’m a coach!

Sandra Cantu Bustamante

BS Engineering

, Sweden
from $90.00 USD to $720.00 USD

Coaching areas I specialize in

About Me

Hi, I'm Sandra! I'm a Life Coach specialized in Life Purpose with over 15 years of experience in the corporate world. 

Uncovering my purpose and stepping into it was not a short journey. It took a lot of self-discovery, unlearning, unbecoming, healing, and reconnecting, but I wouldn't change it for the world.

Following my purpose is giving me that sense of fulfillment, alignment, and meaning that was missing before, and I would love others to experience the same.

My native tongue is Spanish, and I am fluent in English, so I can offer sessions in both languages. I also have some intermediate knowledge of Swedish.

I am a certified Life Coach and NLP Master, and use different tools, methodologies, and accurate assessments that will help you in your journey to tap into your Life Purpose, gifts, and talents, as they have helped me.

I can help you to bring light to any aspects that need to be uncovered and healed, realign you to your Soul's highest purpose and mission, so you can co-create a beautiful and abundant life.

Coaching with me

How I like to coach

I have designed a general protocol to help you tap into your Life Purpose and make a plan to align your current life to a purpose-driven life gradually, so you can keep the best of the old while opening to new opportunities.

I like to coach honoring your path and uniqueness, so I will adapt my approach to your needs.

Experience, Certifications & Training

Certifications and Degrees

  • Certified Life Purpose Coach
  • NLP Master
  • NLP Practitioner

Training and development

  • NLP-Integrated Life Coach Certification Training (iNLP Center)

Fee description

Fees: from $90.00 USD to $720.00 USD

Coaching Package (FULL): $722 USD (8 weekly sessions, 60 min)

Coaching Package (LASER): $369 USD (8 weekly sessions, 30 min)

Submitting your free consultation request is completely free with no obligation.

Submitting your free consultation request is completely free with no obligation.

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