Ross Edwards BSc DipBSoM
MIND Mindfulness Coach DipBSoM BSc
Coaching areas I specialize in
About Me
I’m the Founder of The Great Updraft, the Mindfulness Meditation Tribe, and The Great Updraft Podcast, which make personal transformation available to all.
Without meditation, I simply wouldn’t be who I am now. It has permanently transformed me. Having practiced regularly since 2016, racking up 1500+ hours of practice, I now know that I’ll meditate for the rest of my life.
Meditate is now a key part of everything I do. Whether I want to fully appreciate the moment, confront a life challenge, be more compassionate, or be more skillful in my projects, I turn to my meditation skills.
To share meditation with others, I became a qualified meditation teacher with the British School of Meditation and with Unified Mindfulness. I now teach weekly classes in Chichester in addition to my MIND coaching.
Coaching with me
How I like to coach
MIND COACHING runs on four core principles:
- Honesty: I’ll never lie about the challenges involved with this work. It’s beautiful, but often not pretty. I’m not some kind of blemish-free guru, and I’ll be honest about my life and my challenges.
- Responsibility: the willingness to radically own our lives, seeing how our actions define our future, and never blaming others for our circumstances. Analogously, as a coach, I can only suggest courses of action. Only you can be you, and only you can directly bring about change in your life using mindfulness.
- Awareness: our thoughts and emotions are never hidden from us. They’re in plain sight and constantly define who we are. This is one of the great discoveries of mindfulness.
- Integrity: I’m responsible in what I do. Life coaching is an unregulated industry, and there are sad stories of vulnerable clients and unscrupulous scammers pretending to be coaches. As such, I follow the Global Code of Ethics for Coaches and Mentors, and before coaching begins, you complete a questionnaire.
Experience, Certifications & Training
Certifications and Degrees
- British School of Meditation: Certificate in Meditation Teaching 2018
- Unified Mindfulness: Foundations of Teaching
Fee description
Fees: from $650.00 USD to $651.00 USD£650 for whole 10-week coaching package
Includes 10 x 1-hour virtual coaching sessions
+ Guided meditation audios
+ Treasure trove of meditation articles