About Me
We all need Love, Gratitude, and Happiness. It's a challenge to own and share these, as well as what makes us unique. We need to build our Confidence, Connection, and Comfort. I help clients to develop and own these skills.
I work with clients to give them the tools they need to have enjoyable and fulfilling Social, Professional, and Romantic Relationships. We're more capable than we give ourselves credit for. We just need some Guidance, Encouragement, and Support.
That's where I come in. As a Life Coach, I'm trained to be the listener clients' need. Beyond that, I have a B.S. in Communication Studies with a Minor in Health. I focus on relationships and their impact on us and our stress levels.
Together we will master Confidence, Connection, and Comfort so we can be in control of our Love, Gratitude, and Happiness, and make the most of our Social, Professional, and Romantic Relationships.
I have a number of free resources on my site, and I offer a Free Exploratory Session to show how I can help and answer any questions you might have. I look forward to helping you make the life changes you need to put Love, Gratitude, and Happiness in your life.
Until then,
Take care and be kind.