Hey, I’m a coach!

Dr. Blu Goldberg

Addiction, Mental & Behav Therapist

New York, United States
from $55.00 USD to $555.00 USD

Coaching areas I specialize in

About Me

The Wounded Healer, as Carl Jung put it.  Addiction, Complex Trauma, Relationship Dynamics and Personality Disorders.

Regarding business and life-success coaching, I have been in a myriad of positions that required  self-motivation, excellent communication ability, socialibility, ambition and determination, self-sourced.  I was earning in the - a year when I was in my 40s.  I will help you get over and around years old unexamined beliefs & value decisions you weren't even aware of and get you into economically and personally productive mindsets to improve your success in business and life, as the skills, values and mindsets naturally flow across all facets of your life.  I really enjoy helping someone get started in business or improve their efficiency and productivity in their existing business!  This is the Business Counseling Package.

Realtionships, romantic, familial and work are an area of real interest to me and have been for many years.  Successfully dealing with and understanding other humans for some is a natural ability but to those I've worked with to understand the subject, it seems like a Superpower; like a door has been permanently unlocked.  I will advise you on vetting for the right person for  dating, when to enter a realtionship, setting clear expectations before getting into realtionships and advice on how the female and male biological and psychological proclivities work in regard to relationships.  Here, knowledge is truly power!  (Knowledge of yourself and others)  When we are done, people, how to approach, manage and predict them will be second nature for you.  This is the Realtionship Package and Interpersonal-Theory Package. 

Alcohol and substance abuse as well as serious, deep dark persistent mental/emotional issues (personality disorders, depression, anxiety, suicide ideation and more) are where I can really help.  It always requires a willing subject and work in between calls, but gradual progress will be apparent.  The worse your situation, the more useful I am to you.  This is Advanced Mental Health Coaching and Recovery Counseling Packages.

I am also an advocate and advisor of living outside of the United States.

I live in an undisclosed location probably east of where you are now.  Many places are either less expensive; as little as $950 a month for a 4 star condo and some of the best food in a great city/country, or of a higher quality of life due to the people and infastructure.  For that higher quality lifestyle, Think Europe, Ease or West for the same money or even a bit less than the US.   This generally gets sprinkled into our regular conversations.

About Me

I was a Bounty Hunter back in  the '90s, before it was fashionable or even well-known.  I am a fixed-wing pilot and am a Rotary Wing Student. I scored a 145 on an IQ test in 7th grade and 153 and 172 in two subsequent tests.  I like computers and anything tech.  I enjoy meaningful conversation.  When I get into something, I am possessed by it.  I can never get enough.

I have come out of a hell (mostly of my own making) to live today  (literally and metaphorically) in a paradise.  I know how to get out of the lower socio-eco classes and raise children to be upstanding, respectable citizens.  Most days I am at peace and in fact, content and therefore I able to serve others. This is a stark contrast to a miserable number of decades. My past and subsequent rise from the ashes of the firey crucible have now become what has become the coin of the realm in Servuice to tohers.  My past has a use, purpose and value.  I have helped many over the past 23 years.  I am moving toward Self-Actualization and would like to take you with me.


We are going to know a new freedom and a new happiness
We will not regret the past nor wish to shut the door on it
We will comprehend the word serenity and we will know peace.
No matter how far down the scale we have gone, we will see how our experience can benefit others
That feeling of uselessness and self-pity will disappear
We will lose interest in selfish things and gain interest in our fellows
Self-seeking will slip away
Our whole attitude and outlook on life will change
Fear of people and economic insecurity will leave us
We will intuitively know how to handle situations which used to baffle us
We will suddenly realize that God is doing for us what we could not do for ourselves


Dr. Goldberg

Coaching with me

How I like to coach

I coach conversationally.  Dialectically. Whether one needs a taskmaster or soft down-pillow, thnigs have a way of happening just how they need to happen.  It just seems that whatever is needed to get done is what gets done when we speak.  A healthy child is raised by a Mother and a Father, masculine and femine.  Some situations call for a firm foot-up-the a$& and other times comfort and understanding is what works best. 

I use CBT, MI, Individual Therapy, DBT, Hypnotic Metaphor, hypnosis as well as many other modalities. 

Competence ihas always been in short supply. (The Pareto Distribution, Matthew's Principle)  As for me, I just have weekly conversations with people and somehow, things seem to get better and better.



On the assessment call, we can figure out packages for each different modality, if you like.  Mom always said, "If you remain flexible, you won't get bent out of shape".

Experience, Certifications & Training

Certifications and Degrees

  • Master Addictions Counselor-BHI
  • Behavioral Health Technician-BHI
  • Depression & Anxiety Recognition Professional

Professional and life experience

Once we speak, you'll know right away if you will benefit from this counseling, Life Mechanics and coaching.  My patients experience results in the call but do so more in the field, between sessions.      Effective and efficient.

Fee description

Fees: from $55.00 USD to $555.00 USD

We will make it work.  If you are a high-earner, your ROI is much much higher.  When I work with high income individuals, they get more efficient at work and life and less wasteful, a little bit richer and a lot more content and at peace.  Happiness is for children, say, eating an ice cream cone.  The happiness disappears long before even the stickness leaves your hands.

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Submitting your free consultation request is completely free with no obligation.

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