Hey, I’m a coach!

DeAnna Swope

Certified Life Coach

, United States
from $50.00 USD to $4195.00 USD

Coaching areas I specialize in

About Me

Hello! My name is DeAnna Swope. I am a Deaf mother, wife and the founder of Diamond Speaks.  I am an experienced Life Coach and I am dedicated to helping you re-imagine your life, re-frame your perspective and shift the trajectory of your future. 


Please feel free to visit my shop to see the details of my offerings.


It depends on number of sessions and duration. I offer one day to 6 months coaching package based on your preference. 

Fee description

Fees: from $50.00 USD to $4195.00 USD

It ranges from $50 a hour to $195 for all day at least 6-8 hours to $4,195 for 6  months.

Submitting your free consultation request is completely free with no obligation.

Submitting your free consultation request is completely free with no obligation.

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