Hey, I’m a coach!

Daniel Arana

Life & Relationship Coach

, United States
from $125.00 USD to $400.00 USD

Coaching areas I specialize in

About Me

Take baby steps…
That’s how you have to approach life choices sometimes. With me, I’ve been on a long road of searching where I want to go in my own life. I guess this will be an introduction to who I am since maybe most people visiting this will not know much about me.

I grew up in a small town in New Jersey called Browns Mills. Not so much of a small town these days. It seems to be a local news favorite lately. Anyway, after high school I moved to Los Angeles to pursue a music career as a hip hop DJ. Yeah, it was fun while it lasted with the struggles too but sometimes you have to live and learn. I enjoyed it for sure though! But from those years in my 20s up to now, being 35 currently, I’ve seemed to go through what seemed to be thousands of ideas of what I wanted to do with my life.

As much as I loved music, I grew apart from it and was searching for other career ventures. My regular job since probably 2007 was always sales. Sales, sales, sales… Except at some point in 07 I was also into stocking shelves at a Target. Didn’t last not a year. Got back into sales. LOL! Even up to this year, 2019, SALES!

I realized something just over a year ago. So much studying on myself and what I’m good at versus what I’ve been doing and what I dont want to do. I realized for the last 10 years, roughly, I’ve been this nice guy that listens to people and helped them through their problems. I’ve let people ask me my opinions and I’d see if they can find an answer. I realized that I’ve been a life coach this whole time. Then I took action, went through a school and earned my certification. Right after, I started a company called #IGotThis Motivations. It’s currently on a stand still while I’m still trying to grow myself. But at the end, I want this company to be something positive people can turn to. I do not have all information yet on what I’m really doing with it. Just follow this blog and you’ll eventually see.

I guess this was actually long story short. I mean, I’m not writing a book… yet. From here, I’ll see how this goes. My goal is to help YOU. I want to be the guy that people like YOU want to hear more from me. Keep in mind, many things I say is most likely my own opinion and not saying you have to follow what I say. I will suggest things and see if anyone tried anything, I may ask to hear results. At the end of the day, the choice IS YOURS…

Daniel Arana

Coaching with me

How I like to coach

I like to ask questions. Within those questions, I may give some opinions but my main goal is to help my client seek their own answers through their current knowledge or give them tasks/homework.


Please feel free to visit my shop to see the details of my offerings.


All of my coaching is private. Contact me.


Coaching sessions are custom. Contact me.

Experience, Certifications & Training

Certifications and Degrees

  • Life Coach Certification

Training and development

  • <p>Coaching sessions are custom. Contact me.</p>

Fee description

Fees: from $125.00 USD to $400.00 USD

My fee structure is custom. I do have a generic set cost, but I prefer talkng with clients as a free consultation first before we talk about contract agreements.

Submitting your free consultation request is completely free with no obligation.

Submitting your free consultation request is completely free with no obligation.

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