Cynthia Lattimore
Certified Spiritual Coach
Coaching areas I specialize in
About Me
Hi, my name is Cynthia! I provide inspiring Spiritual life coach sessions, confidence boosters, and motivation to conquer ALL of your GOALS!! I specialize in helping my clients identify self-sabotaging behaviors, eliminate those barriers and escape their cycle of unhealthy habits. In addition to a bachelor's degree in Psychology, I leverage my supernatural gift for prophetic insight to understand your current trajectory and resolve your pain points. I focus on solving your inner conflicts, action development, and self-fulfillment. We deviate from focussing solely on the current problems you face and tackle the root cause. Naturally, the entire process is conducted in a very positive and supportive environment.
Coaching with me
How I like to coach
I use a deeper, more holistic approach. I will work with you on the operating system beneath your consciousness. If you change one action and one thought, but you do not work with the underlying parameters or subconscious programming for why you have the roadblock or issue in the first place, you treating a symptom instead eliminating the root cause.
I look at how you learn, how you process, and I work with you to expand understanding of self and the world around you. I want to provide you with a toolbox so after our program, session, or course you are able to utilize the teachings and adapt them to your new hurdles. This way you are constantly growing and adding richness, happiness, and abundance to your life.
Please feel free to visit my shop to see the details of my offerings.
1 on 1 coaching via online once a week, talk via telephone if needed, via text messages of inspirational scriptures and quotes, email to track progress.
Experience, Certifications & Training
Certifications and Degrees
- B.A. Psychology
- Neuro-Linguistic Practitioner (NLP)
- Certificated of Achievement
Training and development
- Cofindence Coaching
Fee description
Fees: from $20.00 USD to $300.00 USDFees: from $20 USD to $300