Hey, I’m a coach!

Claude Gracy

Certified Soul Foward Life Coach,

, United States
from $25.00 USD to $150.00 USD

Coaching areas I specialize in

About Me

I practice a true sense of understanding and compassion for all my companions. I will soulfully companion with you, as we assess your unnecessary issues, and then determine the necessary applications needed in forwarding you onto your idealistic path of life and happiness.

Coaching with me

How I like to coach

My style of coaching is more soulful, harmonic, with glitches of humor and laughter, but with in-depth and soul-searching material practices that's well balance in establishing solutions to our everyday problems.


Please feel free to visit my shop to see the details of my offerings.


  1. I offer Private Coaching, One on One's give my companion a private sector which supported by the hippa law..


My short courses are provided as intensive and effective but not so time-consuming. And My Group courses are designed to be more of a circle of companions engaging as a small community, problem-solving in union within the given topic of the subject.

Experience, Certifications & Training

Certifications and Degrees

  • Spiritual Recovery Life Coach
  • Addressing grief and lost
  • Motovational Interviewing
  • Understanding the adverse effect of childhood Trauma
  • Hippa Law
  • Medication Assistant Treatment (M.A.T)

Training and development

  • <p>Ongoing training sessions is a giving option to all who decideds that this option is needed to journey future  with coaching assistance.</p>
  • Harm Reduction
  • Ethics
  • meditation Yoga
  • Multiple Pathways To Recovery
  • Impulse Control

Fee description

Fees: from $25.00 USD to $150.00 USD

Fees range from $25.00 an hour to 150. 00 depending on the exact needs of a companion and the desired setting.

Submitting your free consultation request is completely free with no obligation.

Submitting your free consultation request is completely free with no obligation.

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