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Claiming Your Victories
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ToggleShine a light on your achievements
.It is easy to dwell on our mistakes and lose touch with our greatness. Measure your victories against your mistakes, and find how you are victorious every day! Transition in your life begins with claiming your abilities and moving forward.
Even in our darkest times, we have victories. If you are suffering from low self-esteem, or dealing with depression, claiming your victories may be the first step in self-healing. If you have severe depression or low self-esteem, consider seeking professional guidance rather than dealing with your issues alone. Understanding your victories will help you gather a bigger picture of yourself, rather than dwelling on your shortcomings.
Personal victories
Did you get out of bed this morning? For some of us, this is a victory in itself. For the many people who lay in bed desperately inventing excuses to miss work, yet get up and go to work, this is a victory. Personal victories are the ways you can evaluate your actions based on your true feelings. Think of ways your personal victories have built the person you are today.
Consider the following as personal victories:
- Completing a project around the home.
- Finding the lowest cost items to stick to your budget.
- Learning a new skill.
Personal victories are a chance for you to give yourself recognition.
Professional victories
Have you ever held a paid position? You have been victorious by demonstrating you are the best candidate for the job. This is true even if all of your acquired positions have been outside of your field. The fact is, you have skills. These skills were recognized by another, and thus are validating to the self.
Consider the following as professional victories:
- How can I create my own opportunities for victories in the workplace?
- Have I contributed to another person’s success, and should thus credit myself to the success of the project?
- Are there any incentives in my office that I can work toward, such as generating new ideas or outperforming quotas?
Professional victories are enumerated both by the self and others. The opinions of others should be used only as a mirror of how others may see you. Use this clarity to help you create more victories in the future.
Relationship victories
Victories in your relationship differ from personal and professional victories. Relationship victories should be enumerated based on the outcome, not who did or did not win an argument. Negotiating your relationships [Negotiating Relationships] to ensure the best results for all participants, creates an atmosphere of openness and tolerance.
Consider the following as relationship victories:
- Have I ever been able to get my point across without losing my temper when opinions differ?
- When I give in to someone else’s needs, I am ensuring my needs are still met?
- Have I ever forgiven people after they have wronged me, without allowing myself to fall into the same pattern again?
The victories you find and create in your relationships may include family, friends and co-workers. Think of these victories as how you have grown as a person in your communication.
Claiming your victories is giving yourself permission to examine what you have done correctly, rather than incorrectly. It is still important to learn from your mistakes, but also to place them in the proper context of your victories. As a reminder, you may wish to display a list of your victories in a conspicuous place. This symbol will help you in remembering that we all have value!
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