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13 In Demand Lead Magnet Ideas for Coaches to Get Clients Fast

Stopping advertising to save money is like stopping your watch to save time. -Henry Ford

Times have become tougher. 

Over the past two years, several businesses have been knocked down by intense global uncertainty. As an immediate control measure, downsizing marketing and advertising took center stage. 

Sadly, many companies don’t realize that stopping marketing efforts can only lead to more dropping sales. As Henry Ford said, “Stopping advertising to save money is like stopping your watch to save time.”

Coaching Tip: The right marketing can propel you to attract your dream client and speed up your path to success.

The power of effective marketing

The right marketing can also propel you to attract your dream client and speed up your path to success.

As a coach and business owner, how much time or money do you spend on marketing? 

Well, there’s no perfect formula for the actual amount you should allot. And, it’s like a chicken and egg quandary on which comes first. But, it’s critical to recognize what the role of marketing is to grow a thriving coaching business

Marketing starts your journey of gaining more clients. The right marketing can also propel you to attract your dream client and speed up your path to success.

Those still undecided about the need to market your business – here’s why you need to. You can have the most valuable idea or service for your clients to succeed. But without properly promoting it, how can others know? You need an effective marketing strategy to capture your target audience’s interest.

Why use a lead magnet?: The know, like, and trust factor

It’s not enough for prospects to just know you. They also need to like and trust you.

Let’s admit it. As a coach, we might be totally enthused about our craft, and excel at helping others. But our enthusiasm sometimes runs dry when it becomes clear how difficult it is to get new prospects.

And we’re not really searching for those one-time big-time clients. What we want is a consistent flow of loyal clients that grows with us as our coaching business develops.

And it’s not enough for prospects to just know you. They also need to like and trust you. This comes from the famous “know, like, trust factor”, also known as the Golden Rule of Networking (Burg, n.d.). “All things being equal, people will do business with, and refer business to, those people they know, like, and trust, (Burg & Mann, 2010, The Go-Giver).

All things being equal, people will do business with and refer business to, those people they know, like and trust. Burg & Mann, 2010, The Go-Giver Coaching Quote

Being where your prospects are increases your chances of being known and liked. And supporting them in solving life’s tiniest to massive problems can hopefully earn their trust.

And of these three, trust is the trickiest to acquire.

Why? Because trust depends on a long list of company must-haves such as extraordinary service, brilliant skills, and an untainted reputation. We all know reputation takes years (some even take decades) to build. You are unlikely to have that type of reputation yet.

But here’s the good part. Let me introduce a way to obtain that valuable and hard-to-earn trust: by using lead magnets.   

A lead magnet gives your prospects an incentive in exchange for their information, such as an email address and name

A lead magnet gives your prospects an incentive. Say, for visiting a website or subscribing to offered services in exchange for their information, such as an email address and name.

GetResponse, an online platform that specializes in marketing, conducted a 2020 Study about lead magnets. It revealed that in general, video (24.2%) and written content (22.8%) lead magnets have the highest conversion rates. But when it comes to using lead magnets in internet marketing, written content (27.5%) is more popular than video (26.2%).   

Top 2 lead magnets with highest conversion statistic that you can use for your coaching

The study also showed that audiences mostly prefer short-form over long-form content. Such preferences apply to whatever content format you use.

For video lead magnets, video clips (55.7%) and quick tutorials (54.1%) work best in conversion. While for written content, the audience prefers ebook samples (55.9%), checklists (43%), and newsletters (41.9%).

Top 3 short-form written content with highest conversion statistic you can use for coaching

Now you’ve got a sneak peek of what’s in store for your business when you start using lead magnets.

Here are more reasons why you need to take advantage of lead magnets. Lead magnets:

  1. Attract potential clients
  2. Provide a quick way to solve clients’ problems
  3. Strengthen the relationship between you and your prospects
  4. Lay the foundation for establishing your reputation as an expert in your industry
  5. Transform your prospects into official clients 
Reasons why you need to use lead magnets in getting clients for your coaching

How a lead magnet works its magic

You might be wondering how a lead magnet can be this compelling, enough for the audience to buy your services or products.

The answer is simple – people love anything free!

Coaching Tip: Lead magnets works magic in getting clients

Free consultation, free templates, or even free challenges! Giving away their email and name seems nothing compared with the value they’ll get from the resource you offer.

Before clients know it, they’ve developed so much interest and gotten so hooked on your services. That they completely buy into your offer, leading them to be your official client.

Get closer than ever to your customer. So close, in fact, that you tell them what they need before they realize it themselves. Steve Jobs Coaching Quote

What are lead magnets?

To sum up, a lead magnet is any free content that encourages your potential clients to click on it. 

With this free resource comes the catch: an invite that asks for their personal information such as their name and email address. Then they get to open and see what the content is. This free content that initially attracts your target audience eventually paves the way for them to be paying customers.    

Getting to know marketing sales funnel

Sounds simple, right? Though it’s pretty direct, you need to think creatively and know your potential clients fully. Only then can you drive their engagement and convert them into actual clients.

Before we head on to the specifics of lead magnets, let’s look at some tips for creating your lead magnet. That way, your lead magnet does its job of attracting and converting your prospects.

According to Optinmonster, here are the top 7 qualities of a compelling lead magnet.

  1. Ultra-specific. Focus on your niche and avoid trying to capture other markets. Provide your solution by answering one problem at a time.
  2. Easy to digest. Avoid taking your customer on a roller coaster ride or guessing game. Skip the hassle of leading them to check other resources. If you’re offering a template, provide a general framework they can easily follow and digest.
  3. Creates value for your prospects. Knowing your target clients on a deeper level is your key to solving their pain points or worries. Offer a solution that works for them, not the answer you only think applies to them.
  4. Delivers its promise. What good comes from your resource if it doesn’t deliver? Stick to your promise. Help your prospects reach their goal by delivering on your offer. Inspire that all-important trust.
  5. Quick to access. Currently, almost everything that thrives puts value on time and money. Ensure that you provide your target clients with what they need ASAP, or if possible, give it to them instantly. 
  6. Provides a sneak peek of what more you can offer (connected to your unique value proposition). Your lead magnet is your opportunity to let others know and remember you whenever they have trouble with their personal life, career, or even love life. Grab this chance to show your expertise and why they must get your services.
  7. High value. When you offer a solution specific to your target client’s needs that they cannot find on ordinary sites, it’s already producing high value for your prospects.  
7 Qualities of an effective lead magnet

Use these qualities of a lead magnet. It can guide you in structuring your free resource to be attractive and persuasive to your potential clients.

Now, let’s look at the different lead magnet strategies you can use in your own coaching business. 

13 In Demand Lead Magnet Ideas for Coaches

#1 Quizzes and self-assessments

Now that people are more into self-improvement, many are enticed to answer quizzes or self-assessments. Why? As it helps them learn more about themselves. 

I used to feel a pinch of discomfort when confronted by a quiz. It’s from not-so-fond memories of the famous middle school “pop” variety. But now, I am so fascinated with them! When I’m not at work, I often check whether there’s an interesting quiz that I missed for the week (Buzzfeed anybody?)

So if you want a fun and interactive way to get closer to your potential clients, why not try to offer online quizzes?

Coaching tip: Offer online quizzes to have a fun and interactive way to get closer to potential clients

Now that people are more into self-improvement, many are enticed to answer quizzes or self-assessments. Why? As it helps them learn more about themselves. And a self-assessment is a subtle way to ask for your target clients’ personal information. Just by plugging in their name and email address, they can receive their assessment results right away.

Some quizzes also provide cool and unique insights that people are excited to know. Other assessments which are more professional in nature can support them in developing their goals and aiming to achieve those goals.

You can choose however you want to create your quiz. Remember that it needs to be brief and easy to understand. Get more traction with your quiz with a catchy headline and by adding some graphics or an interesting fun fact.   

#2 Checklists and cheatsheets

Using a checklist or cheatsheet is another practical and effective lead magnet. Why? Because it gets you to the bottom of what your prospect wants to do. Whether it’s starting a business or learning to meditate–via a short guide.

Checklist on starting a business

Why is “short” so important?

Research shows that our attention span keeps shortening especially now that we are in the digital age. For instance, a study by Microsoft Canada (2015) reveals that, contrary to popular belief, a goldfish’s attention span is actually quite better than us humans. Ours has shrunk to a tiny 8 seconds (from 12 seconds back in 2000)!   

The same study also uncovers the reason behind the declining trend in people’s attention spans. It turns out that the following significantly affects our attention:

  • Immersing in various media forms
  • Use of social media
  • Rate of adopting technology
  • Ability to switch screens
4 Factors that affect audience attention

It’s not just your kids. You also get distracted by technology. The study found that 44% of working professionals consider it a challenge to concentrate on tasks. A further 45% get distracted by irrelevant thoughts and daydreams, and 37% have to work late or on weekends due to time not being well spent.  

How technology impacts focus at work and in school

This shortening of attention span means that if you want to grab your prospect’s attention, you have to hook them instantly. You need to use direct messaging and a clear call to action. 

Ok, to satisfy that teeny tiny attention span, what does this have to do with lead magnets?!

I was just getting to it! That’s why a checklist or cheatsheet comes in handy. You can use it to give an itemized summary through a quick list, reminders, or a rundown of steps. And today, short actionable plans are more in demand than ever.

#3 Webinars

Webinars, workshops, training sessions, or whatever you want to call them, help you breeze through the “getting to know you phase”. They establish awareness, likeability, and trust with your potential clients–all in one go.

Just as webinars are powerful in B2B transactions, they are also an effective lead magnet strategy for those in the coaching industry. Why? Because you get to share your knowledge on a specific topic with a broad audience wherever you want. You won’t even have to leave your comfy sofa or standing desk.

Webinars, workshops, training sessions, or whatever you want to call them, help you breeze through the “getting to know you phase”. They establish awareness, likeability, and trust with your potential clients–all in one go. 

They also allow you to position yourself as a coaching expert in your niche, where you can express your credibility and reputation with your audience (And really, how do you do that in a quiz or template?). 

Coaching Tip: Doing a webinar establish awareness, likeability, and trust with your potential clients–all in one go.

If it’s your first try and you feel uncomfortable, you can pre-record your webinar. This helps you ensure your tone and way of speaking are at their best. 

You can also host live webinars to capture candid and real-time reactions and comments from your audience. 

Either way, webinars set the stage for a more personal connection with your prospects. But, ensure that you get to promote your webinar way ahead of time and send email reminders to boost the attendance of participants.

#4 eBooks

eBooks are an in-demand lead magnet for coaches since they are pretty simple to prepare. Also, once you’ve identified a specific subject or issue, you can readily adapt it to an online curriculum once you are ready to expand your revenue and offer courses.

Coaching Tip: eBooks are top of the line when it comes to generating conversions. From simple sign-ups, clients grow as regular subscribers.

Unlike webinars, books are less personal as they lack real-time interaction. But eBooks are still top of the line when it comes to generating conversions. From simple sign-ups, clients grow as regular subscribers.

However, remember that eBooks are only highly effective because of the value they provide their audience. So when creating your eBook, make sure it’s fact-based and backed by research. It also needs to be clear, understandable, and visually pleasing. It’s even better if your eBook has audio and video to make reading more engaging. 

Some coaches even provide extra PDF frameworks for their prospects. So they can readily apply their learnings based on what they read. 

ebook sample

Another thing that you can also consider is having your eBook’s design ink-friendly. As some want to have it as a printou

#5 Worksheets and workbooks

Do you want a more practical approach to engaging your prospects? Then try using a worksheet. 

A worksheet simplifies learning and development through simple questions or tasks. Like this GROW Model Worksheet which promotes self-motivation in identifying your client’s pain points and goals. It’s the first big step in uplifting yourself and creating a path to success. 

Make your worksheet reader-friendly by using bullet points. That way, your prospects can simply break down their learning goals and action steps. So they’re easier to apply in real-life situations.

Coaching Tip: Make your worksheet reader-friendly by using bullet points. That way, your prospects can simply break down their learning goals and action steps

You can also take advantage of a supporting reference such as a workbook that you can give for free to your website visitors – but wait! They need to provide their name and email address first to grab it.

Workbooks are incredibly valuable, particularly for your prospects in the professional realm. Whether they’re starting or expanding a business, aiming for career growth, or any topic that digs deeper to make way for development. Here’s a sample coaching workbook that can support your prospects.       

#6 Discovery calls and free consultations

A common lead magnet that coaches use is by offering discovery calls. Also known as free consultations, it works both ways for the coach and the prospect.

A discovery call is the most personal way to attract your potential client. It allows you to lay your services through a meaningful one-on-one conversation. This free session gives your prospect a general “feel” of how you provide your coaching services. Such a session hopefully leads your target client to be an official and paying client.

With a discovery call, you can also overcome the “know, like, and trust factor.” As we saw earlier, these are considered crucial factors for any marketing effort. 

When it comes to choosing a product or service, the know, like, and trust factor into their journey.

Think of the discovery call as the courting stage. In the initial stages of any relationship, you need to put in more effort by courting your intentions. That way, you let them know, eventually like, and finally, trust you. Then you’ll surely get the “yes” you deserve!

Coaching Tip: Think of the discovery call as the courting stage. You let them know, eventually like, and finally, trust you

But when you have a growing client list, it becomes challenging to make appointments for each new prospect. So, you need to be strategic when using discovery calls as your lead magnet.

#7 Roadmaps, templates, or frameworks

I bet almost everyone has searched for at least a template or some kind of framework in their lifetime. So why not start from here? 

Though different, all three have one thing in common – that’s giving your target clients an outline (or sort of a guide). Roadmaps, templates, and frameworks are all extremely valuable as they lead you to a process or workflow.

Roadmap for success in getting clients

Like the checklist or cheatsheet, they guide you to do something. For example, if your prospect wants to establish their online presence as a new business, you can offer a 7-step plan for them to follow.

Such an outline of how to do things is a vital resource for anyone. It propels them to achieve something, whether it’s a big or small goal. And since goals are central to coaching, the tie-in to what you do is perfect.

Also, depending on the intensity of the goal, you can offer to schedule a commitment and accountability session through an official coaching session!

#8 Challenges

Many of us are taken aback by major challenges. And, the idea of having daily little wins isn’t bad at all. Presenting a challenge as something that can be reached through continuous hitting of targets makes you more driven. 

The teeny-weeny moments of triumphs, when accumulated, can lead to a solid big win. All you need to do is make it exciting for your prospects. Make it a 7-day or 30-day challenge, depending on your goal.  

Here are 3 essential factors if you choose to conduct a challenge with your target clients:

  • Topics you’re an expert in
  • Areas that your potential clients like, and
  • Aspects that are important to your business or the services that are within your range (more like a product line)

With a challenge, you can drive your potential clients’ engagement. They’ll be sure to follow your daily prompts and actively take part ‘til they reach their goal.

Running free online courses is perfect for setting up a motivational 30-day challenge with your clients.

30 day sample financial challenge

#9 Online membership sites or private group support

Another effortless way to use a lead magnet and get coaching clients fast is by harnessing the incredible power of social media groups.

Social media remains a driving factor in informing and mobilizing people from various age groups across regions. You can build an online community (like a Facebook group) to allow your prospects to interact with one another as you also get to know them deeper.

Share some food for thought and invite them to an exclusive support group that answers some of their basic questions. You can also give extra resources to address their pain points. Now get ready to get some brownie points here!

If you run a membership site, you can also give away a free trial of your site for free as a lead magnet. Not only does this draw in your clients, but you’ll be able to convert them into paying customers once they are on board.

If you make customers unhappy in the physical world, they might each tell 6 friends. If you make customers unhappy on the Internet, they can each tell 6,000 friends. Jeff Bezos Coaching Quote

#10 Podcasts

Podcasting became a hit during the height of the pandemic. As we return to our pre-pandemic habits, it turns out that podcasting’s reach is only getting stronger.

According to The Infinite Dial–America’s longest-running digital media consumer behavior survey– in-car podcasting grew from 30% in 2021 to 32% in 2022 for people aged 18 and above. Also, monthly podcast listeners from those aged 35-54 years old grew from 39% in 2021 to 43% in 2022.

Coaching Tip: Try podcasting to capture your prospects

Not yet convinced by these numbers? I bet it’s time to pursue podcasting to capture your prospects! Tip: You can also appear as a guest on popular podcasting platforms to introduce your coaching program.   

#11 Social media sign-ups

Stay up to date with where your potential clients spend time on social media. Are they devoting more time to LinkedIn, or do they actively take part via Twitter?

Go to where your clients are and build your audience there. Be encouraging with your posts but mix a call to action where people can follow more of your tips, advice, and other helpful information. The beauty of social media is you get to see your followers’ quick reactions or comments. You can also learn how to adjust or enhance your posts based on their responses.   

Coaching Tip: Be encouraging with your posts but mix a call to action where people can follow more of your tips, advice, and other helpful information.

#12 Videos

Most of us probably prefer watching rather than reading, which is why a 30-second TV ad has such a hefty price tag.

The good thing is we don’t need a fortune to advertise! But we can grab people’s attention and lead them to buy our products or services by creating videos. You can make quick videos or tutorials with your mobile phone and use them as your lead magnet.

If you want to become a pro in crafting irresistible videos, you can also check out some video editing apps online. Remember that your video must be on point and appealing. It’s how you can keep your viewers engaged as you grow your followers.     

Coaching Tip: Your video must be on point and appealing. It’s how you can keep your viewers engaged as you grow your followers.  

#13 Resource library access

Want to convey a more “exclusive feel” to your dream clients? Give them access to a library of free resources such as worksheets, vision boards, challenges, and other motivation techniques to help them reach their goals.

By providing access to a broad range of your coaching tools, your prospects will keep coming back for more of your content. They will also get hooked on coaching and the tools that can help them reach their goals.

Tip: Use this strategy once you have had a successful discovery call or if they prove to be loyal subscribers.

13 in demand lead magnet ideas for coaches


1. What are the 4 key factors of an appealing lead magnet?

Offering something of value through a lead magnet can attract your potential clients. Here are the 4 key factors to make your lead magnet work for your coaching business.

  • Know your prospects’ pain points
  • Find solutions through practical content that addresses those concerns
  • Create more focused offers that will engage your niche 
  • Personalize the experience you’ll offer to enhance brand recall 

2. How do you create a lead magnet?

Create a lead magnet that successfully captures your prospects. Take these steps to increase your conversions.

  1. Establish your target client or buyer persona. Be more specific in describing your potential client to ensure you attract the right clients in Step 2.
  2. Create a unique value proposition for your prospect, start by knowing their needs and build your offer from there.
  3. Identify the best lead magnet to use depending on your target client’s nee LKds and your proposition.
  4. Choose a catchy headline for your lead magnet.
  5. Set up your best lead magnet ever! 

3. What is the best way to generate leads?  

Generating leads must be a cornerstone of your marketing strategy to ensure you never run out of clients and develop a profitable business.

Below are 5 strategies you can use to generate leads for your coaching company.

  1. Establishing your online presence via Facebook Ads, then follow the leads from the data
  2. Sending personalized emails/ email marketing 
  3. Creating high-value content
  4. Offering coupons, freebies, and discounts
  5. Leveraging partnerships and referrals

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Submitting your free consultation request is completely free with no obligation.

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